
单词 conductors
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔LEARN〕Sometimes, conductors have to commit complete scores to memory. 有时候,指挥得把整个乐谱全都牢记在心里。朗文写作活用〔aboard〕The diesels roared, the conductors jumped aboard, and off the train went.内燃机发出轰鸣,列车员跳上车厢,火车开走了。英汉大词典〔cable〕Electricity A bound or sheathed group of mutually insulated conductors.【电学】 电缆:包在一起的相互绝缘的导线美国传统〔capacitance〕Symbol C The ratio of the electric charge transferred from one to the other of a pair of conductors to the resulting potential difference between them.符号 C 电流容量:导致一对导体间可能电位差的彼此电荷转换率美国传统〔conductor〕Metals are good conductors of electricity.金属都是良导体。麦克米伦高阶〔contact〕A connection between two conductors that permits a flow of current.接触:两个导体之间可容电流通过时的接触美国传统〔exception〕With one or two notable exceptions , there are few women conductors.除了一两个明显的例外,几乎没有女指挥。朗文当代〔friction tape〕A sturdy, moisture-resistant adhesive tape, usually made of cloth, used chiefly to insulate electrical conductors.绝缘胶布:一种结实、防水的胶带,常用棉布制成,主要于导体绝缘美国传统〔identify〕Great orchestras came to be identified increasingly with German conductors.杰出的交响乐团越来越被认为是德国指挥的功劳。牛津搭配〔junction〕A connection between conductors or sections of a transmission line.接头:导体的连接部分或输电线的各部分美国传统〔purpose〕He purposed to become one of the world's leading conductors.他决心成为世界上第一流的指挥。英汉大词典〔spur〕Young conductors earn their spurs in a small orchestra or opera house.年轻的指挥们在小型管弦乐队或歌剧院崭露头角。外研社新世纪〔spur〕Young conductors earn their spurs in a small orchestra or opera house.年轻的指挥家们在小乐队或小歌剧院里崭露头角。柯林斯高阶〔strike〕Lightning conductors protect buildings and tall structures from lightning strikes.避雷针保护大楼和高层建筑物免遭雷击。剑桥高阶〔stringer〕Most of the conductors at the opera house were third-stringers.那家歌剧院的多数指挥都是三流脚色。英汉大词典

