“divine grace”例句

单词 divine grace
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔grace〕Betty believed that it was through divine grace that her husband had recovered from his illness.贝蒂认为全靠上天开恩她的丈夫才得以痊愈。剑桥高阶〔synergism〕Theology The doctrine that individual salvation is achieved through a combination of human will and divine grace.【神学】 神人协作论:认为个人灵魂的拯救是通过人的意愿与神的恩典共同作用的教义美国传统Betty believed that it was through divine grace that her husband had recovered from his illness.贝蒂相信,丈夫是受到了神的恩典才从病中恢复了健康。剑桥国际

