“intend to”例句

单词 intend to
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔HELP〕The plan was intended to help development in rural areas. 这个计划旨在促进农村地区的发展。朗文写作活用〔INTEND/NOT INTEND〕Most of these students intend to continue their education at university. 这些学生中大部分打算上大学继续学业。朗文写作活用〔REBELLION/REVOLUTION〕The chief of the armed forces intended to take power by staging a coup d'état. 这位武装部队的首脑意欲发动政变夺取政权。朗文写作活用〔SHOW〕The new law was intended to demonstrate the government's concern for the lowest paid workers. 这条新的法律旨在表示政府对最低工资工人的关心。朗文写作活用〔SYMPATHIZE〕The trip also is intended to raise money and sympathy for the plight of the Tibetan people. 这次出行同时也是为了募捐和引起人们对穷人处境的同情。朗文写作活用〔UGLY〕Intended to be the world's largest casino, it now stands as an eyesore near the big tourist and convention hotels of New Orleans. 它原本是要成为世界最大的赌场的,现在矗立在新奥尔良的大型观光和会议酒店的附近,显得十分碍眼。朗文写作活用〔accident〕I'm sorry about breaking the vase – it was an accident (=I did not intend to do it) .对不起,我把花瓶打碎了 — 这是个意外。朗文当代〔alarm〕To her parents' alarm, she announced that she intended to travel the world.她说她打算环游世界,让父母很担心。牛津搭配〔antidumping〕Intended to discourage importation and sale of foreign-made goods at prices substantially below domestic prices for the same items.反倾销的:由于进口的和外国制造的商品价格大大低于同类本国商品的价格而意图对其实行限制的美国传统〔appeal〕They intend to make an appeal.他们打算提起上诉。外研社新世纪〔auspicate〕To begin or inaugurate with a ceremony intended to bring good luck.以某种讨吉利的仪式着手做(某事)美国传统〔bridge the gulf〕The program is intended to help bridge the gulf between younger and older generations.这个计划旨在帮助弥合年轻人与老年人之间的鸿沟。韦氏高阶〔counterconditioning〕Conditioning intended to replace a negative response to a stimulus with a positive response.对抗条件反射作用:意在用肯定反应代替对某刺激产生的否定反应的条件反射作用美国传统〔cutout〕Something cut out or intended to be cut out from something else.剪截下来:从其它东西上切割剪截下来或要被切割剪裁下来的东西美国传统〔diminish〕I did not intend to diminish the importance of her work.我没想贬低她工作的重要性。麦克米伦高阶〔dummy〕An imitation of a real or original object, intended to be used as a practical substitute.模拟靶:实际或初始目标的模拟物,用作练习时的替代物美国传统〔educate〕The campaign is intended to educate the public to respect the environment.这一运动旨在教育公众爱护环境。牛津高阶〔entasis〕A slight convexity or swelling, as in the shaft of a column, intended to compensate for the illusion of concavity resulting from straight sides.柱中微凸线:为了抵消因为直边所造的中间凹陷幻觉,而在梁柱上放置的小隆凸美国传统〔evacuate〕Tell them you intend to evacuate the children.告诉他们你打算疏散儿童。外研社新世纪〔fake〕Sports A brief feint or aborted change of direction intended to mislead one's opponent or the opposing team.【体育运动】 假动作:方向上一短暂的假的或未完成的改变,用以误导对手或对方美国传统〔follow through with〕Does the firm intend to follow through with this idea?公司是否打算彻底完成这个计划?21世纪英汉〔food〕We intend to increase our share of the food market.我们打算增加在食品市场所占的份额。牛津搭配〔humbug〕Something intended to deceive; a hoax or fraud.瞒骗,欺诈:用于骗人的东西;骗局或欺诈美国传统〔in no way〕She added that she had in no way intended to offend anybody.她补充说道,她绝不是故意要冒犯任何人。剑桥高阶〔intend〕We intend to go. They intend going. You intended that she go.我们打算去,他们要去你计划让她去美国传统〔lid〕These changes are intended to put a lid on rising medical costs.这些改革旨在抑制不断增长的医疗费。韦氏高阶〔like〕I have always liked Sue and I don't intend to stop now.我一直喜欢休,现在也不打算放弃。牛津搭配〔opportunity〕They intend to close the school at the earliest opportunity(= as soon as possible).他们打算尽早关闭学校。牛津高阶〔palaver〕Talk intended to charm or beguile.谎言,空话:使人误解或诱人上当的话美国传统〔plot〕Yesterday's meeting was intended to plot a survival strategy for the party.昨天的会议旨在制订使该党能够继续存在下去的策略。柯林斯高阶〔possible〕It was possible that Harry himself did not know what he had intended to do.可能哈里本人都不清楚自己意欲何为。柯林斯高阶〔presence〕We intend to maintain a presence in the country until there is peace.我们打算维持在该国的驻军,直到和平局势出现。麦克米伦高阶〔processional〕Music intended to be played or sung during a procession.列队行进音乐:列队行进中演奏的乐曲或演唱的歌曲美国传统〔protect〕The high taxes on imported goods are intended to protect domestic producers.对进口商品实行高税收旨在保护国内生产厂商。韦氏高阶〔raise〕The ad campaign is intended to raise awareness of the importance of a healthy diet.广告宣传旨在增强人们对健康饮食重要性的认识。韦氏高阶〔rule of thumb〕A useful principle having wide application but not intended to be strictly accurate or reliable in every situation.经验法则:一种可用于许多情况的有用的原则,但并不是放诸四海皆准美国传统〔so〕Does the President intend to go to Moscow? And if so, when? 总统打算去莫斯科吗?如果是的,什么时候去?麦克米伦高阶〔space〕They intend to begin manned space missions next year.他们打算明年开始执行载人航天任务。牛津搭配〔strengthen〕The move is clearly intended to strengthen the President's position as head of state.这一举措显然意在加强总统作为国家元首的地位。牛津高阶〔viewer〕Some of her art is intended to shock the viewer.她的某些艺术作品旨在震撼观赏者。牛津高阶〔wait〕Expect a long wait if you intend to buy tickets.要想买票,你就得等很长的时间。麦克米伦高阶〔weather〕She refuses to resign, intending to weather the storm(= wait until the situation improves again).她拒绝辞职,想要经受住这次风暴的考验。牛津高阶Car alarms are intended to stop people from breaking into (= forcing their way into) cars.汽车警报器用来阻止人们抢劫汽车。剑桥国际He did what a lot of politicians do. He feinted one way and intended to go the other.他像很多的政客那样,表面一套,心里一套。剑桥国际She intends to remain the mistress of (= in charge of ) her own life when she gets married.她想在结婚后仍作自己生活的主宰。剑桥国际She meant no harm (=did not intend to offend), she was joking.她不想伤害别人,她只是在开玩笑。剑桥国际The fishermen's blockade is intended to prevent cheap foreign imports of fish being landed at the port.渔民封锁是为了阻止廉价的国外进口鱼在港口上岸。剑桥国际The government intends to wind the scheme down in early spring.政府想在早春逐步结束这个计划。剑桥国际The new management intends to institute a number of changes.新的管理人员打算实行一些改革。牛津商务These new measures are intended to put a bit of zip back into the economy.这些新措施是为了使经济恢复一点活力。剑桥国际

