
单词 coloring
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ARTIFICIAL〕The juice contains no artificial coloring or flavors. 这种果汁不含人工色素或香精。朗文写作活用〔COLOUR〕Josie sat at the table coloring in her picture while her father made the dinner. 乔茜坐在桌子旁给画涂色,她爸爸则做晚饭。朗文写作活用〔COLOUR〕Many poisonous animals have distinctive coloring that is easily recognized. 许多有毒的动物颜色独特,易于识别。朗文写作活用〔COLOUR〕This lipstick is perfect for your coloring. 这支口红很配你的肤色。朗文写作活用〔annatto〕The seed of this plant, used as a coloring and sometimes as a flavoring, especially in Latin American cuisine.胭脂树籽:这种植物的种籽,用作染色品,有时作调味品,尤其在拉丁美洲的烹调中美国传统〔bluing〕Any of various coloring agents used to counteract the yellowing of laundered fabrics.蓝色漂白剂:任一种用于防止衣物泛黄的有色漂白剂美国传统〔brunet〕Of a dark complexion or coloring.黑色的美国传统〔calcimine〕A white or tinted liquid containing zinc oxide, water, glue, and coloring matter, used as a wash for walls and ceilings.石灰浆:一种白色的或浅色的液体,含有氧化锌、水、胶和着色物质,用于粉刷墙壁和天花板美国传统〔camouflage〕Concealment by disguise or protective coloring.掩饰:通过伪装或保护色来隐蔽美国传统〔camouflage〕To conceal by the use of disguise or by protective coloring or garments that blend in with the surrounding environment.伪装:通过伪装或保护色或与周围环境融为一体的迷彩服装来隐藏美国传统〔camouflage〕To use protective coloring or garments for concealment.伪装:使用保护色或衣物来隐藏美国传统〔caramel〕Burnt sugar, used for coloring and sweetening foods.焦糖:烧焦的糖,用于为食物染色并使之变甜美国传统〔coloring book〕I bought my son a new coloring book.我给儿子买了一本新的填色书。韦氏高阶〔coloring〕He has very light coloring.他肤色白皙。韦氏高阶〔coloring〕Her favorite activities include playing with stuffed animals and coloring.她最喜爱的活动包括玩动物造型的毛绒玩具和涂颜色。韦氏高阶〔coloring〕His paintings are notable for their bright coloring.他的绘画以着色明亮著称。韦氏高阶〔coloring〕Our product contains no artificial coloring or flavoring.我们的产品不含人工色素和调味剂。韦氏高阶〔coloring〕She added some blue food coloring to the icing.她给糖霜添加了一些蓝色食物色素。韦氏高阶〔coloring〕This scarf will look great with your coloring.这条围巾很衬你的肤色。韦氏高阶〔color〕The children were busy coloring in their coloring books.孩子们忙着在他们的彩色画图本上涂色。韦氏高阶〔colouring〕A few drops of green food coloring were added.加了几滴绿色的食物色素。柯林斯高阶〔colouring〕A few drops of green food coloring were added.加了几滴绿色的食用色素。外研社新世纪〔colouring〕Mandy has her mother's fair coloring.曼迪像她母亲一样有白皙的肤色。朗文当代〔colouring〕Other countries vary the coloring of their bank notes as well as their size.其他国家的纸币色彩不一,大小也不同。柯林斯高阶〔colouring〕Other countries vary the coloring of their bank notes as well as their size.其他国家纸钞的大小及颜色都有所不同。外研社新世纪〔curry〕To prepare (tanned hides) for use, as by soaking or coloring.整理皮革:制备(鞣制皮革)以供使用,如通过浸泡或上色美国传统〔daub〕To apply paint or coloring with crude, unskillful strokes.乱画,乱涂:用拙劣的、不熟练的手法涂漆或着色美国传统〔didymium〕A mixture of rare-earth elements and oxides used chiefly in manufacturing and coloring various forms of glass.稀土与氧化物混合物:稀土元素和氧化物的混合物,这要用于制造和给各种形式的玻璃上色美国传统〔dyer's-weed〕Any of various plants yielding coloring matter used as dye.作染料的松蓝草:任一种能提取有色物质作为染料用的植物美国传统〔dye〕To color (a material), especially by soaking in a coloring solution.染色:染(色彩),特别是浸泡到有色溶液中染美国传统〔grease pencil〕A pencil of hard grease mixed with colorings, used especially for marking on glossy or glazed surfaces.油脂铅笔:以硬油脂混以颜料为笔芯的铅笔,尤用于在光滑的或上釉的表面上做记号美国传统〔greasepaint〕Theatrical makeup, especially a preparation of grease mixed with colorings.化装:戏剧化装,尤指用油彩化的装美国传统〔henna〕A reddish-orange dyestuff prepared from the dried and ground leaves of this plant, used as a cosmetic dye and for coloring leather and fabrics.指甲花染料:从该种植物的干的碎叶片中提炼出的一种棕红色染料,用于化妆或为皮革和纤维染色美国传统〔lake〕A pigment consisting of organic coloring matter with an inorganic, usually metallic base or carrier, used in dyes, inks, and paints.色淀:一种由有机颜料物质同无机的通常是金属的底基或载体合成的色素沉淀,用于制作染料、墨水和油漆美国传统〔lipstick〕A small stick of waxy lip coloring enclosed in a cylindrical case.口红:装于圆柱形盒中用于描画嘴唇的蜡质小棒美国传统〔margarine〕A fatty solid butter substitute consisting of a blend of hydrogenated vegetable oils mixed with emulsifiers, vitamins, coloring matter, and other ingredients.人造奶油:一种多脂肪固体黄油的替代物,由氢化植物油与乳化剂、维他命、色素和其它成份的混合物构成美国传统〔mustache〕Distinctive coloring or feathers near the beak of a bird.鸟眼附近具有明显不同的颜色或者羽毛美国传统〔natural food〕Food that does not contain any additives, such as preservatives or artificial coloring.天然食物:不含任何添加剂,如防腐剂或人工色素的食品美国传统〔nymphalid〕Any of various medium to large butterflies of the family Nymphalidae, found worldwide and characterized by vestigial forelegs and often brilliant coloring.蛱蝶:随处可见的中到大型的蛱蝶科蝴蝶,其特点是有退化的前腿,一般色彩鲜艳美国传统〔pigment〕A substance used as coloring.颜料,涂料:用作着色剂的物质美国传统〔pigment〕Dry coloring matter, usually an insoluble powder to be mixed with water, oil, or another base to produce paint and similar products.色质:干的着色物质,通常是一种可与水、油或其他固定剂混合的粉末,可制成漆和类似的产品美国传统〔rinse〕A solution used in coloring or conditioning the hair.染发剂:一种用于染发或保养头发的溶液美国传统〔roan〕The characteristic coloring of a roan horse.枣红色马特有的颜色美国传统〔rouge〕A red or pink cosmetic for coloring the cheeks or lips.胭脂,口红:搽在脸颊或嘴唇上的红色或粉色的化妆品美国传统〔sematic〕Serving as a warning or signal of danger. Used especially of the coloring of some poisonous animals.警戒色:用作警告或危险信号的特指一些有毒动物的体色的美国传统〔tinctorial〕Relating to the processes of dyeing or coloring.染色的,着色的:有关染色或着色的美国传统〔tincture〕A coloring or dyeing substance; a pigment.颜料:一种涂色或着色的物质;涂料美国传统〔underglaze〕Coloring or decoration applied to pottery before glazing.釉底色彩(画):上釉前上在陶瓷上的色彩或装饰画美国传统〔wash〕To cover or coat with a watery layer of paint or other coloring substance.涂颜料于:用清漆或其它颜料覆盖或包住美国传统〔weather〕To expose to the action of the elements, as for drying, seasoning, or coloring.暴晒:暴露于自然条件之下,如使风干、风化或褪色美国传统Coloring differentiates the sexes in many birds. 鸟的雌雄通常可就其颜色予以区分。译典通The coloring of food is against the law in some countries. 给食物加上色素在有些国家属违法行为。译典通The little girl was coloring pictures with crayons. 这个小女孩正在用蜡笔在图画上涂颜色。译典通

