“civil service”例句

单词 civil service
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CHANGE/NOT CHANGE〕During the 1980s, the government reorganized the civil service. 20世纪80年代,政府改组了文官制度。朗文写作活用〔CSC〕Civil Service Commission.文官委员会美国传统〔Civil Service〕There is virtually no public health system, no civil service and no infrastructure.实际上没有公共卫生系统, 没有行政部门, 也没有基础设施。外研社新世纪〔GOVERNMENT〕In theory, the civil service is the non-political arm of the executive. 从理论上讲,文职部门是政府行政机关的非政治性职能部门。朗文写作活用〔JOB〕Civil service tests determine promotion in government jobs. 文职公务员考试决定政府部门职位的提升。朗文写作活用〔OLD-FASHIONED〕The image of the civil service as a male, middle class bastion is now outdated. 政府部门是中产阶级男性的堡垒,这种形象现在已不合时宜了。朗文写作活用〔Whitehall〕The British civil service.白厅英国行政机构美国传统〔anglicized〕When Dutch colonial rule ended in the 19th century the civil service was anglicised.荷兰殖民统治在19世纪结束时,文职部门已被英国化了。柯林斯高阶〔ascend〕They move freely from one department to another as they ascend the civil service ladder.随着仕途晋升,他们可以在部门间随意调动。柯林斯高阶〔back door〕He used his friends to help him get into the civil service by the back door.他利用朋友帮他开后门当上了公务员。牛津高阶〔balls up〕The public would laugh fit to burst if someone really ballsed up the Civil Service or the Cabinet.要是有人真把文职官员或内阁成员们弄得不知所措,众人一定会捧腹大笑的。21世纪英汉〔breed〕These young men were bred to enter the imperial civil service.这些年轻人是专为帝国行政部门培养的工作人员。外研社新世纪〔civil servant〕A person employed in the civil service.文职公务员:受雇于文职服务的人美国传统〔civil service〕Grant's failure to press for civil service reform格兰特在推动行政部门改革方面的失败外研社新世纪〔creak〕Even the limited extra responsibility may make the Civil Service creak.即使是这点有限的额外任务也会使整个文官系统左支右绌。英汉大词典〔desirous〕He is desirous of obtaining (或to obtain) a position in the Civil Service.他意欲在政府文官机构找到一个职位。英汉大词典〔distaste〕He viewed with distaste the increasing politicization of the Civil Service.他对行政部门的日益政治化感到反感。外研社新世纪〔dynasty〕The civil service was established under the previous dynasty.文官体制是在前一王朝统治期间建立的。牛津搭配〔echelon〕The elitist civil service was accessible only to the upper echelons of society.只有上流社会人士才能进入精英化的公务员队伍。外研社新世纪〔embed〕The aim is to embed in the civil service the best modern management practices.目标是把最好的现代管理方法纳入行政体系。外研社新世纪〔freeze〕The government have imposed a freeze on civil service appointments.政府对公务员实行了人事冻结。朗文当代〔function〕John has a very good idea of how the civil service functions.约翰非常清楚行政部门是如何运作的。外研社新世纪〔grade〕A military, naval, or civil service rank.官阶:陆军,海军或文职服务的区别美国传统〔grind〕The daily grind of government is done by Her Majesty's Civil Service.枯燥的日常政务都由女王陛下的政府行政部门来处理。柯林斯高阶〔grind〕The daily grind of government is done by Her Majesty's Civil Service.政府的日常琐事由女王陛下的行政部门负责。外研社新世纪〔groom〕She had been groomed for a career in the civil service.她受过公务员职业培训。21世纪英汉〔interchange〕Ministers want to see more interchange between the private sector and the civil service.部长们希望看到私营部门与行政机构之间更多的交流。柯林斯高阶〔interchange〕Ministers want to see more interchange between the private sector and the civil service.部长们希望看到私营部门与行政机构之间更多的交流。外研社新世纪〔mandarin〕Civil Service mandarins 高级文官朗文当代〔mandarin〕It often seems that true power lies with the Civil Service mandarins, rather than MPs and cabinet ministers.实权似乎往往掌握在行政机构的高官手中,而不是议员和内阁部长手中。剑桥高阶〔merit system〕The system of appointing and promoting civil service personnel on the basis of merit rather than on political affiliation or loyalty.实力任用制度:根据个人实力而非政治关系或忠诚程度来任命和提拔公务员的制度美国传统〔politicization〕There has been increasing politicization of the civil service.政府文职人员对政治越来越感兴趣。柯林斯高阶〔politicization〕There has been increasing politicization of the civil service.公务员阶层的政治化倾向越来越明显。外研社新世纪〔post〕Sir Peter has held several senior posts in the civil service.彼得爵士在政府行政机构担任过几个高级职务。外研社新世纪〔preserve〕The civil service became the preserve of the educated middle class.政府部门的工作成了受过良好教育的中产阶级人士的专属工作。朗文当代〔public affairs〕The civil service dominated public affairs.行政部门掌管着公共事务。外研社新世纪〔public service〕Employment within a governmental system, especially within the civil service.公益服务:尤指在政府系统的行政机构内的职务美国传统〔purge〕They have purged thousands from the upper levels of the civil service.他们从上层文职部门清除了上千名公务员。柯林斯高阶〔reach〕There are few women in the upper reaches of the civil service.女性很少在行政部门中身居高位。麦克米伦高阶〔reach〕There are still few women in the upper reaches of the civil service.在高级别公务员中,女性仍然寥寥无几。牛津高阶〔repose〕It is true that too little expertise reposes in the Civil Service.确实,在公务员中有专长的人才太少了。英汉大词典〔the civil service〕The British civil service is supposed to be non-political.英国政府的文职部门应该是非政治性的。剑桥高阶Fewer graduates are taking jobs in industry, choosing instead careers in the civil service, the universities and the‘caring’professions.较少的毕业生从事工业领域的工作,而是在政府的文职机关、大学以及护理行业寻找职业。剑桥国际It often seems that true power lies with the Civil Service mandarins, rather than MPs and cabinet ministers.实权似乎掌握在文职高官手中,而不是议员或内阁成员。剑桥国际She had a long career in the civil service.她长期在政府部门工作。牛津商务The civil service is there to serve the public.公职部门旨在为大众服务。剑桥国际The British Civil Service is supposed to be non-political.英国的行政机构被认为应当是非政治性的。剑桥国际The country's shambolic civil service is about to be reorganized, with the loss of several thousand jobs.这个国家的组织混乱的文职机关将要进行重组,有几千人将会失去工作。剑桥国际

