“main street”例句

单词 main street
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔COST〕There's a great new clothes store on Main Street, and its prices seem very reasonable. 大街上新开了一家很棒的服装店,价格似乎十分合理。朗文写作活用〔FILM/MOVIE〕The city put $6.5 million towards a 10-screen movie theater and retail complex in Main Street. 该市花费650万美元在主街建造一个商场,其中有一家10个银幕的电影院。朗文写作活用〔Main Street〕The President's new proposals won't go down too well on Main Street.总统的新提议不太会受到普通老百姓的欢迎。朗文当代〔Main Street〕There is a good choice of bars and clubs on Main Street.大街上有各种各样的酒吧和俱乐部。外研社新世纪〔Main Street〕This financial crisis had a much greater impact on Main Street.这次金融危机对老百姓的影响更为深远。柯林斯高阶〔THINK〕Walking down the main street, you get the feeling that nothing ever happens in this town. 你走在大街上时会有这样的感觉,就是在这个城镇里什么事都没发生过。朗文写作活用〔WALK〕I was walking along Main Street when I met Pierre. 遇见皮埃尔时,我正在大街上走着。朗文写作活用〔and〕Main Street and First Avenue 大马路和第一大街的交汇处英汉大词典〔barrel〕The truck went barreling down Main Street.那辆卡车在主街上疯狂飞驰。韦氏高阶〔bisect〕The main street bisects the town from end to end.这条主干道把整个小镇一分为二。外研社新世纪〔border〕The neighborhood is bordered by Main Street on the north and the river on the south.这个街区北面是主街,南面临河。韦氏高阶〔bottleneck〕Bridge construction has created a bottleneck on the southern part of Main Street.大桥施工使得主街的南段成为交通瓶颈。韦氏高阶〔butcher〕He owns the butcher's in the main street.他在大街上开了一家肉铺。牛津高阶〔court〕I live in the Franklin Court apartments on Main Street.我住在主街的富兰克林公寓楼。韦氏高阶〔cruise〕On Friday nights, teenagers cruise the main street in town to show off their cars.每周五晚上,几个十几岁的孩子会开车缓慢行驶在小镇主街上,炫耀他们的汽车。韦氏高阶〔detour〕We took a detour from the main streets.我们离开主路绕着走。韦氏高阶〔edge〕The main street was edged on both sides with dirty, decaying buildings.那条主要街道的两边都是些肮脏、破败的房子。英汉大词典〔explore〕Exploring Main Street, I made friends of strangers.我在中央大街上到处逛着,与陌生人交朋友。英汉大词典〔footstep〕The kids loved following the orange footsteps up Main Street.孩子们喜欢沿着橘黄色的脚印走到大街。外研社新世纪〔front〕The shop front occupies a very prominent position on the main street.这家商店的门脸在大街上占据了一个非常显眼的位置。剑桥高阶〔immediate〕Turn right onto Main Street and then take your immediate left. [=quickly turn onto the next street on your left] 右转进入主街,然后紧接着左转。韦氏高阶〔know〕The main street between the castle and the palace is known as 'the Royal Mile'.城堡和皇宫之间的那条大街名叫“皇家大道”。朗文当代〔lead〕The veterans will lead a parade down Main Street.退伍军人将引领游行队伍沿着主街行进。韦氏高阶〔live〕Main Street was live with handsome guys and pretty girls.缅因街上到处都是俊男靓女, 显得活力十足。外研社新世纪〔main street〕Main Street won't be happy with this new program.中产阶级不会对这个新计划感到高兴的。牛津高阶〔main street〕The restaurant is at 257 Main Street.这家餐馆在主街257号。韦氏高阶〔main street〕What does Main Street think of this policy? 中产阶级怎么看待这项政策?韦氏高阶〔moon〕He was accused of mooning in one of Faliraki's main streets.他被指控在法里拉基的一条大街上向路人露屁股。外研社新世纪〔nose〕Sue parked off the main street, with the van's nose pointing away from the street.休把小货车停在远离大街的地方,车头背对着大街。柯林斯高阶〔oblige〕A girl reporter obliged Hearst by pretending to faint in the main street.一名女记者假装在大街上晕倒, 帮了赫斯特的忙。外研社新世纪〔oblige〕The girl reporter obliged Hearst by “fainting” in the main street.那位女记者在大街上“昏厥过去”,帮了赫斯特一个大忙。英汉大词典〔off〕Our hotel was just off the main street.我们的旅馆离大街很近。朗文当代〔off〕The shop is just off the main street.商店离主街不远。韦氏高阶〔off〕We live off Main Street.我们住在大街附近。牛津高阶〔overflow〕The drains flooded and water overflowed down the main street.下水道淹水,溢到了大街上。朗文当代〔parade〕The brass band paraded the main street.军乐队游行通过大街。21世纪英汉〔parade〕The circus performers and animals paraded down Main Street.马戏团的演员们和那些动物沿着主街游行美国传统〔parallel〕The river enters the town from the east and flows parallel with the main street.这条河从东边流进小镇,流向与主街平行。麦克米伦高阶〔present〕The Main Street Theater Company is presenting Shakespeare's Othello next month.主街剧院公司下个月将上演莎士比亚的《奥赛罗》。韦氏高阶〔put up〕They're putting up a new office building on Main Street.他们正在主街上建一幢新的办公大楼。韦氏高阶〔storefront〕Main Street in Great Barrington is lined with small storefronts and restaurants.大巴灵顿的主街两侧林立着许多小的店铺和餐馆。柯林斯高阶〔storefront〕He rented a storefront on Main Street.他在主街租了一间店面。韦氏高阶〔street〕He works at a small store on Main Street.他在商业大街上的一家小商店里工作。牛津搭配〔well-wisher〕The main street was lined with well-wishers.大街两旁满是祝福的人群。外研社新世纪Main Street companies that start small and stay small 由创业起一直保持小规模的小企业牛津商务The main streets were edged on both sides with grass. 主要街道两边都种上了草。译典通The museum is located on Main Street. 博物馆位于梅茵街。译典通The shop front occupies a very prominent position on the main street.店面在大街上占了醒目的位置。剑桥国际They own an 80-seater pizzeria in the main street.他们在大街上拥有一家有80个座位的比萨饼店。剑桥国际Various barricades blocked off all the main streets of the city. 各种路障封锁住了城里所有的主要道路。译典通

