“nice guy”例句

单词 nice guy
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CHARACTER〕Underneath all that boastful talk you'll find that he's actually a very nice guy. 在他夸夸其谈的背后,你会发现他实际上是个很不错的家伙。朗文写作活用〔DISLIKE〕I don't know why anybody would have it in for Eddy. He's a really nice guy. 我不知道为什么有人要和埃迪过不去,他是个非常不错的家伙呀。朗文写作活用〔MAN〕Dave's a really nice guy. 戴夫这家伙真不错。朗文写作活用〔ORGANIZE〕He's a nice guy, but he's not very organized and he forgets a lot of things. 他人不错,但不是很有条理,总是丢三落四的。朗文写作活用〔RELATIONSHIP〕Chuck's a nice guy, but the chemistry isn't right. 查克这人挺不错,不过对他就是没感觉。朗文写作活用〔SEEM〕Kevin seems like a nice guy. 凯文看来是个不错的家伙。朗文写作活用〔SEXY〕Barry's a really nice guy, but he has absolutely no sex appeal. 巴里是个很不错的家伙,但是对于异性一点吸引力也没有。朗文写作活用〔UGLY〕He's a nice guy, but not very good-looking. 他这个人挺好的,但长得不怎么样。朗文写作活用〔boyfriend〕Cathy's ex-boyfriend was a really nice guy.凯茜以前的男友是个非常好的小伙子。剑桥高阶〔dim〕He's a nice guy, but a little dim.他是个好小伙儿,只是头脑有些迟钝。剑桥高阶〔dump on〕He was a nice guy, Mona. He didn't dump on me.他是个好人, 莫娜。他没有对我不好。外研社新世纪〔dumping〕He was a nice guy, Mona. He didn't dump on me.莫娜,他是个不错的家伙,没有亏待我。柯林斯高阶〔flake〕He's a nice guy but he's a bit of a flake.他是个好人,不过有点古怪。韦氏高阶〔flaky〕He's a nice guy but he's a little flaky.他是个好人,不过有点古怪。韦氏高阶〔go the extra mile〕He's a nice guy, always ready to go the extra mile for his friends.他是个好人,帮助朋友从来不怕麻烦。剑桥高阶〔guy〕Bob's a really nice guy, isn't he? 鲍勃人真不错,不是吗?麦克米伦高阶〔guy〕Dave's a nice guy when you get to know him.戴维是个好人,你了解他后就知道了。朗文当代〔guy〕He seems like a nice guy.他看起来像个不错的小伙子。韦氏高阶〔guy〕He's a nice guy.他是好人[好好先生]。文馨英汉〔guy〕He's a nice guy.他是一个好人。外研社新世纪〔guy〕He's a really nice guy.他真是个好人。剑桥高阶〔hell of a〕He is one hell of a nice guy.他人可真不错。韦氏高阶〔helluva〕He's a helluva nice guy.他是个非常好的人。朗文当代〔nice〕Dave's a really nice guy.戴夫是个很友善的人。朗文当代〔nice〕He's a really nice guy.他真是个好人。牛津高阶〔nice〕Jane's new boyfriend is a really nice guy.简的新男友是个很不错的小伙子。剑桥高阶〔no more Mr Nice Guy〕I've had enough of people taking advantage of me. From now on it's no more Mr Nice Guy.我受够了老被人利用。从现在起我不再做好好先生了。剑桥高阶〔out〕He's a nice guy, but he's out of it.他是个不错的小伙子,但有点背时。英汉大词典〔peg〕She pegged him right away as a nice guy.她随即认定他是个好人。韦氏高阶〔play hardball〕He's a nice guy, but he can play hardball when he needs to.他是一个和气的人,但在必要时他也会变得很强硬。剑桥高阶〔real〕He's a real nice guy.他是个非常好的人。牛津高阶〔short〕He's a nice guy, but a little short on brains.他这家伙人不错,只是有点没脑子。朗文当代〔skeleton〕Mr Worthing is this election's Mr Nice Guy, without any skeletons in his cupboard.沃辛先生是此次选举中的正派先生,本身没有任何见不得人的丑事。柯林斯高阶〔smoke〕Look, he's a nice guy, but there's no smoke without fire.瞧,他是个不错的小伙子,但是无风不起浪呀。麦克米伦高阶〔sober〕He's a nice guy when he's sober.他没喝醉时是个不错的家伙。朗文当代〔sound〕Nick sounds like a nice guy.尼克听上去是个不错的家伙。朗文当代〔such〕He's such a nice guy (NOT a such nice guy).他真是一个好人。朗文当代〔tell〕As far as I can tell, Jason is basically a nice guy.据我所知,贾森算得上是个好人。柯林斯高阶〔tell〕As far as I can tell, Jason is basically a nice guy.据我所知, 贾森总的来说是个不错的人。外研社新世纪〔thick〕He's a nice guy, but he's a bit thick.他是个好人,但有点傻。朗文当代〔thin〕In her world of financial schemers, nice guys were thin on the ground.在她那个遍是金融骗子的圈子里, 好人寥寥无几。外研社新世纪〔underneath〕I think he's a genuinely nice guy underneath it all .我认为他本质上是个非常好的人。朗文当代〔you're〕She thinks you're a nice guy.她认为你是个好小伙子。韦氏高阶Cathy's ex- boyfriend was a really nice guy.卡西以前的男友是一个真正的好小伙子。剑桥国际He's a nice guy but he can play hardball when he needs to.他是一个和气的人,但在必要时,他也会变得强硬。剑桥国际Jane's new boyfriend is a really nice guy.简的新男朋友是个很善良的小伙子。剑桥国际

