
单词 optical
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔D-glyceraldehyde〕An optical isomer of glyceraldehyde in which the OH group is on the right side of the asymmetric carbon atom.D-甘油醛:甘油醛的光学同质异能素,其OH团会在不对称的碳原子的右边美国传统〔Iceland spar〕A doubly refracting transparent calcite used in optical instruments.冰洲石:一种双折射透明方解石,用于光学仪器美国传统〔L-glyceraldehyde〕An optical isomer of glyceraldehyde in which the OH group is on the left side of the asymmetric carbon atom.L甘油醛:氢氧根原子团在不对称碳原子左边的甘油醛光学同分异构体美国传统〔Polaroid〕A trademark used for a specially treated, transparent plastic capable of polarizing light passing through it, used in glare-reducing optical devices.宝丽来:一种经过特殊处理的透明塑料的商标,该塑料能使通过它的光发生偏振,用于减少强光的光学设备中美国传统〔STRONG〕A final heat treatment makes the glass much stronger and improves its optical qualities. 最后一个热处理工序使玻璃更为坚固,并提高了它的透光性。朗文写作活用〔aberration〕An imperfect image caused by a physical defect in an optical element, as in a lens.色差:由于光学器件(如透镜)的物理缺陷而造成的不完美成像美国传统〔acoustooptics〕The science of the interaction of acoustic and optical phenomena.声光学:研究声学和光学现象的相互作用的科学美国传统〔amnioscopy〕Examination of the amniotic cavity and fetus using an optical instrument that is inserted directly into the amniotic cavity.羊膜内视镜检法:把光学仪器直接插入羊膜腔以观察羊膜腔及胎儿美国传统〔aplanatic〕Of or relating to optical systems that correct for spherical aberration.等光程的,透镜消球差的:矫正球面像差的光学系统或与之有关的美国传统〔astigmatism〕A refractive defect of a lens or other optical system that prevents light rays from converging at a single point, resulting in a blurred or imperfect image.散光:有折射缺陷的透镜或其它光学系统,阻碍光线汇聚于一个焦点,形成一个模糊或不完全的图象美国传统〔atmospherium〕An optical device designed to project images of atmospheric phenomena, such as clouds, on the inside of a dome.气象仪:将大气现象的映像,如云,投射到一个圆顶内侧的一种光学装置美国传统〔axis〕A line through the optical center of a lens that is perpendicular to both its surfaces.光轴:通过透镜的中心垂直于物体两面的线美国传统〔camera lucida〕An optical device that projects a virtual image of an object onto a plane surface, especially for tracing.转绘仪:一种光学装置,可将物体虚像投影到一平面之上,多用于跟踪美国传统〔capture〕The data is captured by an optical scanner.该数据是通过光学扫描器记录下来的。朗文当代〔catadioptric〕Of or relating to an optical system that uses both reflective and refractive optical devices.反射折射的:同时使用反射与折射装置的光学系统的或与其相关的美国传统〔channel〕A sensor channels the light signal along an optical fibre.传感器沿光导纤维输送光信号。牛津高阶〔chronoscope〕An optical instrument for the precise measurement of very small time intervals.瞬时计:精确测量很小时间间隔的光学仪器美国传统〔collimate〕To adjust the line of sight of (an optical device).校准:调整光学仪器瞄准器美国传统〔compact disk〕A small optical disk on which matter such as data or music is encoded.光盘:一个小光盘,在其上把例如数据或音乐等事物进行编码美国传统〔control system〕A mechanical, optical, or electronic system that is used to maintain a desired output.控制系统:用来维持所需生产量的机械、光学或电子的系统美国传统〔cross hair〕Either of two fine strands of wire crossed in the focus of the eyepiece of an optical instrument and used as a calibration or sighting reference.十字丝:呈十字形交叉于光学仪器的目镜焦点上的两根细丝之一,用于校准或瞄准参考美国传统〔crown glass〕A soda-lime optical glass that is exceptionally hard and clear, with low refraction and low dispersion.冕玻璃:一种极其坚硬、高度透明的、低折射、低色的散碱石灰光学玻璃美国传统〔densitometer〕An apparatus for measuring the optical density of a material, such as a photographic negative.(光)密度计:测量材料,例如相片感光纸光密度的器械美国传统〔density〕The degree of optical opacity of a medium or material, as of a photographic negative.不透光度:一定介质或材料(例如照相感光纸)的不透光程度美国传统〔diaphragm〕A disk having a fixed or variable opening used to restrict the amount of light traversing a lens or optical system.光圈:具有固定或可变孔的圆盘,用来限制穿过透镜或光学系统的光量美国传统〔dioptric〕Relating to optical refraction; refractive.折射的:同光学折射相关的;折射美国传统〔disk drive〕Computer Science A device that reads data stored on a magnetic or optical disk and writes data onto the disk for storage.【计算机科学】 磁盘驱动器,磁碟机:一种能读出存在磁盘或光盘上的数据并将其记录在磁盘上以便存储的装置美国传统〔disk〕An optical disk, especially a compact disk.光盘,尤指微缩盘美国传统〔distortion〕A change in the shape of an image resulting from imperfections in an optical system, such as a lens.失真,畸变:光学系统,如透镜的不完美而导致的图象形状的变化美国传统〔embossment〕The distance between the nondeformed part of a document surface and a specified point on a printed character in optical character recognition.浮雕效果:在光学字元识别中,文件表面的未变形部分与印刷字元上特定点之间的距离美国传统〔erythorbic acid〕An optical isomer of ascorbic acid used as an antioxidant.异抗坏血酸:抗坏血酸光学异构体,被用来当作抗氧化剂美国传统〔erythorbic acid〕An optical isomer of ascorbic acid used as an antioxidant.异抗坏血酸:抗坏血酸的一种光学的同质异构体,通常用作一种抗氧化剂美国传统〔fiber optics〕A bundle of optical fibers.一束光导纤维美国传统〔fiduciary〕Of, relating to, or being a system of marking in the field of view of an optical instrument that is used as a reference point or measuring scale.参照的:属于、关于或作为光学仪器视野中的标点系统的,该系统用作参照点或衡量尺度美国传统〔flare〕An unwanted reflection within an optical system or the resultant fogging of the image.反射,模糊景象:光学系统内一种多余的反射或由此而产生的物象模糊美国传统〔flatbed scanner〕An optical scanner in which the scanning head moves across a stationary page.平台式扫描仪:扫瞄头定点扫瞄的光学扫瞄器美国传统〔focus〕The distinctness or clarity of an image rendered by an optical system.影象的清晰度:因使用光学调节系统而形成的分明的或清晰的图象美国传统〔focus〕To adjust one's vision or an optical device so as to render a clear, distinct image.调焦:调整视力或光学仪器以使图象鲜明清晰美国传统〔focus〕To render (an object or image) in clear outline or sharp detail by adjustment of one's vision or an optical device; bring into focus.使集中于焦点:通过调节视力或光学仪器使(一物体或图象)外缘清晰或细节分明;调焦美国传统〔ghost〕A displaced image in a photograph caused by the optical system of the camera.重影:由照相机的光学系统引起而出现在照片上的重像或幻影美国传统〔glass〕To scan (a tract of land or forest, for example) with an optical instrument.了望,审视:用光学仪器了望(例如,一片土地或森林)美国传统〔glass〕To use an optical instrument, as in looking for game.用光学仪器眺望,如观看比赛美国传统〔goniometer〕An optical instrument for measuring crystal angles, as between crystal faces.测角器:一种光学仪器,用来测量晶体两个面之间的角度美国传统〔hydroscope〕An optical device used for viewing objects far below the surface of water.深水探视仪:一种光学仪器,用于看水表面下的物体美国传统〔illusion〕The road ahead looks wet, but in fact this is an optical illusion.前方的路面看上去湿漉漉的,但实际上那只是视错觉。牛津搭配〔inactive〕Physics Showing no optical activity in polarized light.【物理学】 无旋光的:极化光下无光学反应的美国传统〔infrared〕Their pilots are guided by an infrared optical system that shows images clearly even at night.他们的飞行员使用红外光学系统导航,即便在夜晚也能清楚地显示影像。剑桥高阶〔lens〕A device that causes radiation other than light to converge or diverge by an action analogous to that of an optical lens.辐射镜:一种通过与光学镜片类似的原理使射线而不是光线聚集起来或发散的装置美国传统〔logic gate〕A mechanical, optical, or electronic system that performs a logical operation on an input signal.逻辑门:对输入信号执行逻辑运算的机械、光学或电子系统美国传统〔magic lantern〕An optical device formerly used to project an enlarged image of a picture.幻灯机:从前用来放映放大照片的一种光学装置美国传统〔magnification〕The process of enlarging the size of something, as an optical image.放大:放大某一物体的尺寸,如一个光学图象的尺寸美国传统〔magnifier〕A system of optical components that magnifies.能起放大作用的一组光学元件美国传统〔medium〕An optical disk is just another kind of electronic storage medium.光盘只是另一种电子存储介质。牛津搭配〔metallography〕The study of the structure of metals and alloys, especially by optical and electron microscopy and x-ray diffraction.金相学,金属结构学:以金属与合金结构为研究对象的学科,尤指用光学和电子显微镜使用法和X射线衍射法为研究手段的美国传统〔naked eye〕The eye unassisted by an optical instrument.肉眼:不用视觉仪器辅助的眼睛美国传统〔ocular〕The eyepiece of an optical instrument.光学仪器的目镜美国传统〔optic axis〕An optical path through a crystal along which a ray of light can pass without undergoing double refraction.光轴:通过晶体的一条光路,通过它光线可以不经双折射而通过美国传统〔optical character reader〕A device used for optical character recognition.光学字符阅读器:用于光学字符识别的设备美国传统〔optical computer〕A computer that uses holograms for compact data storage and laser beams for connections. Most optical computers use electronic components for computation.光学计算机:采用压缩数据存储的全息图和用于连接的激光束的计算机。大多数光学计算机用电子部件进行计算美国传统〔optical fibre〕Nearly every long-distance call made in Britain now travels on optical fibre instead of cable.现在在英国,几乎所有长途电话都通过光纤而非电缆传输。柯林斯高阶〔optical illusion〕Escher's intriguing optical illusions decorate these 100% cotton T-shirts.这些纯棉短袖衫上装饰着埃舍尔创作的趣味视错觉图案。外研社新世纪〔optical illusion〕Sloping walls on the bulk of the building create an optical illusion.大楼主体的斜墙给人造成一种视错觉。外研社新世纪〔optical illusion〕Sloping walls on the bulk of the building create an optical illusion.大楼主体的斜墙给人造成一种视错觉。柯林斯高阶〔optical illusion〕The closer building looks larger than the farther one, but it's just an optical illusion. The two buildings are actually the same size.近处这栋楼看上去比远处那栋高大,其实这只是视错觉。这两栋楼实际上大小一样。韦氏高阶〔optical〕Telescopes and microscopes are optical instruments.望远镜和显微镜是有助于视力的仪器。英汉大词典〔optical〕The company manufactures microscopes, telescopes, and other optical instruments.这家公司生产显微镜、望远镜以及其他光学仪器。韦氏高阶〔optician〕One that sells lenses, eyeglasses, and other optical instruments.眼镜商,光学仪器商:出售光学仪器、眼镜或其它光学仪器的人美国传统〔optic〕Any of the lenses, prisms, or mirrors of an optical instrument.光学镜:光学仪器的透镜、棱镜或平面镜美国传统〔optic〕Of or relating to the science of optics or optical equipment.光学的:与光学或光学仪器有关的美国传统〔orthoscopic〕Giving an undistorted image. Used of an optical instrument.给出正确映像的。用于指光学仪器美国传统〔planetarium〕An optical device for projecting images of celestial bodies and other astronomical phenomena onto the inner surface of a hemispherical dome.天象仪:一种能将天体和其它天文学现象的影象投射到半球状圆屋顶内表面的光学设备美国传统〔polarimeter〕An instrument used to measure the rotation of the plane of polarization of polarized light passing through an optical structure or sample.偏振计;旋光计:用来测量经过光学结构或样品的极化光的偏振平面旋转的一种仪器美国传统〔power〕A measure of the magnification of an optical instrument, such as a microscope or telescope.倍率:光学仪器,如显微镜或望远镜的放大倍数美国传统〔range finder〕Any of various optical, electronic, or acoustical instruments used to determine the distance of an object.测距仪:用来确定某物距离的各种视觉,电子或声觉仪器之一美国传统〔reticle〕A grid or pattern placed in the eyepiece of an optical instrument, used to establish scale or position.标线片,标线:置于光学仪器目镜中的格子或图式,用以确定大小或位置美国传统〔rock crystal〕Colorless, transparent quartz, used in optical instruments and as a semiprecious gemstone.水晶:用于制造光学仪器及用作价格一般的宝石的无色透明石英美国传统〔ruggedly〕The camera combines rugged reliability with unequalled optical performance and speed.这款相机既坚固耐用,又有超凡的光学性能和快门速度。柯林斯高阶〔scanner〕An optical scanner.光学扫描仪美国传统〔spectroscopy〕Study of spectra, especially experimental observation of optical spectra.光谱学:对光谱的研究,尤指对光谱的实验性观察美国传统〔speculum〕A mirror or polished metal plate used as a reflector in optical instruments.反射镜:光学仪器中用作反射镜的镜子或抛光的金属盘美国传统〔stereoscope〕An optical instrument with two eyepieces used to impart a three-dimensional effect to two photographs of the same scene taken at slightly different angles.体视镜:一种具有两个视孔的光学仪器,用于使两张同一物体在略有不同的角度拍摄的照片看起来具有三维效果美国传统〔submicroscopic〕Too small to be resolved by an optical microscope.亚微观的:太小的以致用一般光学显微镜不能分辨或看见的美国传统〔telephony〕These optical fibres may be used for new sorts of telephony.这些光缆可以用于新型电话通讯系统。柯林斯高阶〔trippy〕Staring at this visual creates a trippy and powerful optical illusion.盯着这幅视觉作品看会产生一种强大致幻的错觉。剑桥高阶〔viewer〕Any of various optical devices used to facilitate the viewing of photographic transparencies by illuminating or magnifying them.观察器:通过变亮或者放大来提高图像清晰度的一种视觉设备美国传统CDs are optical (= using light) storage media, unlike hard or floppy disks which are magnetic storage media.激光唱片是用光来存储的媒质,不像硬盘或软盘是靠磁性来存储的。剑桥国际Human eyes are very adaptable optical sensors, able to respond to a wide range of light levels.人眼是适应性很强的光学传感器,能适应强弱不同的各种亮度。剑桥国际In the desert, the heat can sometimes cause people to see palm trees which aren't really there, but are just optical illusions.在沙漠里,炎热有时候能使人们看到非真实的而只是视错觉中的棕榈树。剑桥国际Many TV and telephone signals are now distributed through optical fibres.现在许多电视和电话信号是通过光学纤维散布出去的。剑桥国际Stripes, spots and abstract spiral and wavy patterns are used in op art to produce optical illusions.条纹、斑点、抽象的螺旋线和波浪图案用于视幻艺术中来制造视错觉。剑桥国际The optical system of the eye stimulates cells of the retina. 眼睛的视觉系统刺激视网膜内的细胞。译典通The magician tricks the audience with skilful optical illusions, making things appear and disappear.魔术师熟练运用制造幻视手法欺骗观众,使东西出现消失。剑桥国际Their pilots are guided by an infrared optical system that shows images clearly even at night.他们的飞行员由甚至在夜晚也清楚地显示图像的红外光学系统导航。剑桥国际

