“opposing team”例句

单词 opposing team
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔PROBLEM〕With a child on each opposing team, Dad was faced with a dilemma: which supporters should he sit with? 爸爸有两个孩子分别在交手的两支球队中,于是他面临着一个困境:应当与哪一方的支持者坐在一起?朗文写作活用〔RESULT〕Saturday's goal was the product of some poor defending by the opposing team. 星期六的那个进球是对方球队防守出现错误的结果。朗文写作活用〔answer〕The opposing team scored three runs; the home team replied with two of their own.对方三次跑垒都得了分;主队以两次得分作为回应。美国传统〔convulse〕The opposing team were so convulsed with laughter that they almost forgot to hit the ball.客队队员笑得浑身直抖,几乎都忘记打球了。柯林斯高阶〔convulse〕The opposing team were so convulsed with laughter that they almost forgot to hit the ball.对方球队笑得前仰后合, 几乎忘记了击球。外研社新世纪〔crease〕Players from the opposing team may not enter the crease.球员不得进入对方球门区。韦氏高阶〔debate〕A formal contest of argumentation in which two opposing teams defend and attack a given proposition.辩论比赛:在正式的辩论竞赛中,两个对立的队就一给定的命题进行辩论美国传统〔deke〕A fake, intended to deceive a member of an opposing team.假动作,佯攻动作:欺骗对方球员的假动作美国传统〔encounter〕There was a violent encounter between fans of the opposing teams.比赛双方球队的球迷之间发生了暴力冲突。韦氏高阶〔fake〕Sports A brief feint or aborted change of direction intended to mislead one's opponent or the opposing team.【体育运动】 假动作:方向上一短暂的假的或未完成的改变,用以误导对手或对方美国传统〔fast break〕A rush by the offense, as in basketball, toward the goal in an attempt to score before the opposing team readies a defense.快攻:篮球比赛中,在对方没有来得及防守之前向对方快速进攻投篮美国传统〔field hockey〕A game played on turf in which two opposing teams of players, using curved sticks, try to drive a ball into the opponents' goal.曲棍球:由两个相对的组在草坪上进行的使用曲棍的球类运动,每队都努力把球打进对方的球门美国传统〔hold〕To withstand the efforts or advance of (an opposing team, for example).抵抗:抵抗(如,反对者)的努力或前进美国传统〔ice hockey〕A game played on ice in which two opposing teams of skaters, using curved sticks, try to drive a puck into the opponent's goal.冰上曲棍球运动:一种冰上运动,两队运动员在冰场上使用弯曲的球棍,尽量把冰球射入对方的球门美国传统〔no-hitter〕A game in which one pitcher allows the opposing team no hits.无安打球赛:指投手不让对方队击出一次安打的一场比赛美国传统〔opposing〕Players from the opposing team hurled insults at them.对方球员辱骂他们。麦克米伦高阶〔opposing〕The opposing team must in turn try to keep the ball in the air before hitting it back over the net.对方球员必须轮流击球,在球落地前将球击过网。柯林斯高阶〔opposing〕The opposing team must try to keep the ball in the air before hitting it back over the net.对方球员必须在球落地前将球击过网。外研社新世纪〔opposing〕The crowd booed the opposing team.人群向对方球队发出了嘘声。韦氏高阶〔paintball〕A game in which players on one team seek to eliminate those on an opposing team by marking them with a water-soluble dye shot in capsules from air guns.漆弹游戏:以装有水溶性漆胶囊弹的空气枪射出漆弹来消灭所有敌对队员的游戏美国传统〔prepare〕He prepares for games by studying tapes of the opposing team.他通过录像带研究对方球队,为比赛做准备。韦氏高阶〔put〕We should be able to put the opposing team down at the first half of the game.我们应该能在上半场就打败对手。英汉大词典〔roller hockey〕Hockey played on a hard surface in which two opposing teams of roller skaters, using curved sticks, try to drive a ball into the opponents' goal.旱冰冰球运动:一种在坚硬地面上进行的曲棍球运动,两队旱冰溜冰队员企图用曲棍把球打入对方的球门美国传统〔series〕Sports A number of games played one after the other by the same opposing teams.【体育运动】 连串的比赛:相同的互相对抗的运动队之间一场接一场打的一组比赛美国传统〔showing〕The opposing team put up a very strong showing.对方球队的表现非常抢眼。牛津搭配〔shut ... out〕We shut out the opposing team and won by 3 to 0.我们始终没让对方得分,结果以三比零获胜。21世纪英汉〔spot〕We spotted the opposing team two goals.我们让对手两个球。牛津高阶〔turnover〕Sports A loss of possession of the ball to the opposing team, as by a misplay or an infraction of the rules.【体育运动】 易手,失球:把球丢给了对方球队,如出现失误或犯规美国传统

