
单词 assorted
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔TASTE IN CLOTHES, MUSIC ETC〕Tourists lined up to buy postcards and assorted kitsch souvenirs. 游客排队购买明信片和各种各样花里胡哨的纪念品。朗文写作活用〔VARIOUS/OF DIFFERENT KINDS〕In the centre of the table was a plate of assorted biscuits. 桌子中间放着一只盘子,里面是各种各样的饼干。朗文写作活用〔VARIOUS/OF DIFFERENT KINDS〕The website contains links to assorted investment sites. 这个网站里有各种投资网站的链接。朗文写作活用〔assort with〕He has always assorted with men of his own age.他总是与同龄人交往。21世纪英汉〔assorted〕It should be a great week, with overnight stops in assorted hotels in the West Highlands.那一周会过得很开心,晚上可以在西部高地上的各式旅馆里过夜。柯林斯高阶〔assorted〕The jumper comes in assorted colours.各种颜色的针织套衫一应俱全。牛津高阶〔assorted〕The meat is served with salad or assorted vegetables.端上的肉配有色拉或什锦蔬菜。牛津高阶〔assorted〕These flower seeds are assorted.这些花籽是几种混杂在一起的。英汉大词典〔ill-assorted〕The action concerns the assorted coupling of three ill-assorted couples.故事情节涉及3对怨偶的撮合成婚经过。英汉大词典〔minestrone〕A thick soup of Italian origin containing assorted vegetables, beans, pasta such as vermicelli or macaroni, and herbs in a meat or vegetable broth.蔬菜浓汤:源于意大利的一种浓汤,用多种蔬菜、豆子、面团(如通心粉或细面条)以及放入肉或菜汤中的香料制成美国传统〔missile〕Demonstrators attacked police cordons with sticks and assorted missiles.示威者用棍棒和各种投射物向警察的封锁线进攻。英汉大词典〔oblivious〕Mrs Buchan, on the other hand, was oblivious, keeping her assorted team busy.另一方面, 巴肯夫人总是浑然不觉, 一直让她团队中的各色人等忙得团团转。外研社新世纪〔poster〕Assorted posters hung on the walls.墙上挂着各式各样的海报。牛津搭配〔preferably〕Please supply in assorted colours: preferably six dozen each of red, yellow and green.供货时请提供多种颜色,最好是红、黄、绿三色各6打。英汉大词典〔rummage sale〕A sale of assorted secondhand objects contributed by donors to raise money for a charity.捐赠品义卖:为慈善事业集资而卖的由捐助人捐赠的各种各样的二手货物美国传统〔savory〕They prepared assorted sweets and savories.他们准备了各种各样的甜食和咸味小吃。韦氏高阶Demonstrators attacked police cordons with sticks and assorted missiles. 示威者用棍棒和各种投射物向警察的封锁线进攻。译典通Mom bought a box of assorted chocolates. 妈妈买了一盒什锦巧克力。译典通The menage consisted of four adults, three children and assorted pets.这个家庭由四个成人、三个孩子和各自的宠物组成。剑桥国际

