
单词 立方
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SURFACE〕A cube has six sides. 立方体有六个面。朗文写作活用〔SURFACE〕One of the faces of the cube has a line across it. 立方体的其中一面上有一条线。朗文写作活用〔absolute humidity〕The amount of water vapor present in a unit volume of air, usually expressed in kilograms per cubic meter.绝对湿度:单位大气中水汽的含量,通常用千克/每立方米表示美国传统〔board foot〕A unit of cubic measure for lumber, equal to one foot square by one inch thick.板英尺:木材的立方单位,等于厚一英寸,面积为一平方英尺的木材美国传统〔bulk〕The dam bulks about 4,400,000 cubic yards.水闸容水量约为440万立方码。英汉大词典〔bulk〕The pool bulks about 50 cubic yards.水池容水量约为50立方码。21世纪英汉〔cc〕Cubic centimeter.立方厘米美国传统〔cfm〕Cubic feet per minute.立方英尺/分美国传统〔cfs〕Cubic feet per second.立方英尺/秒美国传统〔cube root〕A number whose cube is equal to a given number.立方根:一个数字的立方与所给定数相等美国传统〔cube root〕The cube root of 125 is 5, because 5 x 5 x 5 = 125.125的立方根是5,因为5×5×5=125。剑桥高阶〔cube root〕The cube root of 64 (∛64) is 4.*64 的立方根是 4。牛津高阶〔cube root〕The cube root of 8 is 2.*8的立方根是2。韦氏高阶〔cube〕Mathematics A regular solid having six congruent square faces.【数学】 立方体:一种通常有六个相等的正方形侧面的正立体美国传统〔cube〕Mathematics The third power of a number or quantity.【数学】 立方:某一数或量的三次幂美国传统〔cube〕Mathematics To raise (a quantity or number) to the third power.【数学】 求立方:求(某一量或数的)立方美国传统〔cube〕The cabinet comes with locks and key and is shaped like a cube.储藏柜带有锁和钥匙,形状像个立方体。柯林斯高阶〔cube〕The cabinet comes with locks and key and is shaped like a cube.橱柜配有锁和钥匙, 形状像个立方体。外研社新世纪〔cube〕The cube of 3 is 27.3 的立方是27。英汉大词典〔cube〕The cube of 5 (5 3) is 125 (5×5×5).*5 的立方(53)是 125。牛津高阶〔cube〕To form or cut into cubes; dice.使…形成立方体;将…切成方块美国传统〔cubic measure〕A unit, such as a cubic foot, or a system of units used to measure volume or capacity.体积量度单位:一种用来测量体积或容量的单位,如立方根或单位体系美国传统〔cubic〕Having the shape of a cube.立方体的:具有立方体形状的美国传统〔cubic〕Mathematics Of the third power, order, or degree.【数学】 立方的:三次幂的、三次的或三度的美国传统〔cubic〕Of or relating to a crystalline form that has three equal axes at right angles to each other; isometric.立方的:属于或与具有三条互相垂的晶形体有关的;等量度的美国传统〔cubic〕Shaped similar to a cube.立方形的:形状象立方体的美国传统〔cubiform〕Having the shape of a cube.立方形的:具有立方体形状的美国传统〔cuboidal epithelium〕Epithelial tissue consisting of one or more cell layers, the most superficial of which is composed of cube-shaped or somewhat prismatic cells.立方上皮:由一个或多个细胞层组成的上皮组织,它的最外部是由立方形的或稍微有点枝柱形的细胞构成美国传统〔cuboid〕Having the approximate shape of a cube.长方体的:具有近似立方体形状的美国传统〔curve〕The intersection of two surfaces in three dimensions.两面相交:在立方体中的两个面的相交美国传统〔cusec〕A volumetric unit for measuring the flow of liquids, equal to one cubic foot per second.立秒:一种测量液体流量的体积单位,等于立方英尺每秒美国传统〔density〕Jupiter's moon Io, whose density is 3.5 grams per cubic centimetre, is all rock.密度为每立方厘米 3.5 克的木星卫星木卫一上遍布岩石。柯林斯高阶〔face〕A cube has six faces.立方体有六个面。朗文当代〔face〕A cube has six faces.立方体有六面。牛津同义词〔face〕A cube is a solid with six square faces.立方体是有六个正方形表面的固体。韦氏高阶〔face〕How many faces does a cube have? 立方体有几个面?牛津高阶〔folium〕Mathematics A plane cubic curve having a single loop, a node, and two ends asymptotic to the same line.【数学】 平面立方曲线:平面的立方曲线,具有一个拱形、一个交点和逐渐接近同一条线的两个端点美国传统〔form〕The cube is a solid geometric figure.立方体是一个牢固的几何图形。美国传统〔gallon〕A US gallon is equal to 3,785 cubic centimetres.1美制加仑等于3785立方厘米。剑桥高阶〔gallon〕An imperial gallon, used in Britain, is equal to 4,546 cubic centimetres.根据英国标准加仑,1加仑等于4546立方厘米。剑桥高阶〔halite〕A colorless or white mineral, NaCl, occurring as cubic crystals and found in dried lakebeds in acrid climates, mined or gathered for use as table salt.石盐;岩盐:一种无色或白色的矿物质,成分为氯化钠,以立方体晶体形式出现,在酸性气候下的干枯河床上可见,开采或收集以用作食盐美国传统〔hexahedron〕A polyhedron, such as a cube, that has six faces.六面体:一个多面体,如有六个面的立方美国传统〔independent〕Of or relating to a system of equations no one of which can be derived from another equation in the system.独立方程式的:属于或与一组方程组有关的,方程组中任一方程不可能从其它同组方程解出答案的美国传统〔intersection〕The point or locus of points where one line, surface, or solid crosses another.相交:直线、表面或立方体间相交而形成的点或点的轨迹美国传统〔mcf〕Thousand cubic feet.千立方英尺美国传统〔mediation〕Law An attempt to bring about a peaceful settlement or compromise between disputants through the objective intervention of a neutral party.【法律】 调停:通过一中立方的客观公正的调停以期为冲突各方带来和平的解决争端的方式或使之相互妥协美国传统〔metre〕The price of water rose to 48p per cubic metre (= a unit of volume equal to 1,000 litres).水价上涨到每立方米48便士。剑桥高阶〔mil〕A milliliter; one cubic centimeter.毫升;立方厘米美国传统〔neutrality〕It was a good game to watch for the neutrals.对中立方来说,这是一场精彩的比赛。柯林斯高阶〔parallelepiped〕A solid with six faces, each a parallelogram and each being parallel to the opposite face.平行六面体:一种有六个面且每一面都是平行四边形并与对面相平行的立方美国传统〔periclase〕A mineral form of magnesium oxide, MgO, usually occurring in cubic crystals or grains.方镁石:一种镁的氧化物,常以立方体晶体或粒状出现美国传统〔photocube〕A perspex photocube can display six different photos at the same time.有机玻璃的立方相架能同时插放6张照片。英汉大词典〔polyhedron〕A cube is a polyhedron.立方体属于多面体。剑桥高阶〔root〕The square root of 64 is 8, and the cube root of 64 is 4.64的平方根是8,立方根是4。剑桥高阶〔sea wasp〕Any of various jellyfishes of the class Cubozoa, having a cube-shaped medusa and a venomous, sometimes fatal sting.立方水母:任一种立方水母纲的水母,有立方形的身体和有毒,有时甚至能致命的螫刺美国传统〔side〕A cube has six sides.立方体有6个面。麦克米伦高阶〔side〕A cube has six sides.立方体有六个面。外研社新世纪〔side〕A cube has six sides.立方体有六个面。朗文当代〔side〕A cube has six sides.立方体有六个面。韦氏高阶〔side〕A cube has six sides.立方体有六面。牛津高阶〔solid〕A cube and a pyramid are both solids.立方体和棱锥体都是立体图形。剑桥高阶〔solid〕A cube is a solid figure.立方体是一种立体图形。牛津高阶〔solid〕A dice is a solid.骰子是立方体。英汉大词典〔solid〕A solid foot contains 1728 solid inches.1立方英尺有1728立方英寸。英汉大词典〔solid〕Mathematics A geometric figure having three dimensions.【数学】 立方体:三维几何体美国传统〔stere〕A unit of volume equal to one cubic meter.立方米:与一立方米相等的体积美国传统〔surface〕A cube has six surfaces.立方体有6个面。麦克米伦高阶〔surface〕A cube has six surfaces.立方体有六个面。牛津同义词〔surface〕How many surfaces does a cube have? 一个立方体有几个面?朗文当代〔tesseract〕The four-dimensional equivalent of a cube.立方体的四维模拟:与一立方体相等的四维体美国传统〔venue〕The match will be played at a neutral venue.比赛将在中立方的赛场举行。牛津搭配〔volume〕The amount of space occupied by a three-dimensional object or region of space, expressed in cubic units.体积:一个三维物体或空间地区所占的空间,用立方单位表示美国传统〔volume〕The box has a volume of three cubic meters.这个箱子的容积为三立方米。韦氏高阶〔volume〕The capacity of such a region or of a specified container, expressed in cubic units.容积:这样一个地区或容器的容量,用立方单位表示美国传统〔volume〕The volume of the container measures 10,000 cubic metres.这个集装箱的容量是 1 万立方米。朗文当代〔zirconia〕Cubic zirconia.氧化锆:立方体的氧化锆美国传统A US gallon is equal to 3785 cubic centimetres. 1 美加仑等于3785立方厘米。剑桥国际A cube and a pyramid are both solids.立方形和棱锥都是立方体。剑桥国际A cube is a polyhedron.立方体属于多面体。剑桥国际A cube is a six-sided polyhedron.立方体是六面的多面体。剑桥国际A line is one-dimensional, a square is two-dimensional, and a cube is three-dimensional.直线是一维的,正方形是二维的,立方体是三维的。剑桥国际An imperial gallon, used in Britain, is equal to 4546 cubic centimetres. 1 英加仑等于4546立方厘米。剑桥国际Human brains have more than 100 million cells per cubic centimeter. 人脑每立方公分有一亿多个细胞。译典通One litre is the same as 1000 millilitres or 1000 cubic centimetres.一升等于一千毫升或一千立方厘米。剑桥国际The antilogarithm of 3 is 1000 because 10 cubed equals 1000. 3 的反对数是1000 ,因为10的立方等于1000 。剑桥国际The barrel has a volume of ten cubic metres.这个桶的容量为十立方米。牛津商务The pipeline could carry up to 700 billion cubic feet of gas a year.这条管道一年能输送多达 7 000 亿立方英尺的气体。牛津商务The plant processes 7 million cubic metres of gas a day.工厂每天加工 700 万立方米的天然气。牛津商务The price of water has risen from 41p to 48p per cubic metre (= a unit of volume equal to 1000 litres).水价从每立方米41便士涨到48便士。剑桥国际The square root of 64 is 8, and the cube root of 64 is 4. 64 的平方根是8,64的立方根是4。剑桥国际The volume of this container is 1000 cubic feet. 该容器的容积是一千立方英尺。译典通The wall of this dam retains (= holds in place) 5 000 000 cubic metres of water.该水坝蓄有5 000 000立方米的水。剑桥国际This brick is a cuboid.这块砖是立方形的。剑桥国际

