
单词 进制
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CHANGE/NOT CHANGE〕Britain went over to decimal currency in 1971. 1971年英国改用十进制货币。朗文写作活用〔MIME〕A communications protocol that allows for the transmission of data in many forms, such as audio, binary, or video.多用途的网络邮件扩充协议:为通讯协议,允许信息以许多形式传输,如音频、二进制或视频美国传统〔algorism〕The Arabic system of numeration; the decimal system.十进制:阿拉伯数字系统;十进制美国传统〔base〕A binary number is a number written in base 2, using the two numbers 0 and 1.二进制数是一种用0和1两个数码表示、基数为2的数。剑桥高阶〔base〕Computers use a binary, or base 2, system, rather than the decimal, or base 10, system we usually use.计算机使用的是二进制,而非我们常用的十进制韦氏高阶〔binary coded decimal〕A code in which a string of four binary digits represents a decimal number.二进制编码的十进制:由一列四个二进制数字代表十进位数的转换码美国传统〔binary code〕The instructions are translated into binary code, a form that computers can easily handle.各种指令都转换成计算机易于处理的二进制码。外研社新世纪〔binary code〕The instructions are translated into binary code, a form that computers can easily handle.指令被转换成计算机易于处理的二进制码。柯林斯高阶〔binary operation〕An operation, such as addition, that is applied to two elements of a set to produce a third element of the set.二进制运算:适用于由两种元素产生第三种元素的运算,如加法美国传统〔binary〕The computer performs calculations in binary and converts the results to decimal.计算机以二进制数运算,然后把运算结果转换为十进制数。牛津高阶〔binary〕The machine does the calculations in binary.这台机器采用二进制进行计算。柯林斯高阶〔binary〕The machine does the calculations in binary.这种机型以二进制进行计算。外研社新世纪〔bit stream〕The transmission of binary digits as a simple, unstructured sequence of bits.位流,比特流:按简单、未结构化的位序列传送的二进制数字美国传统〔character〕The multibit code representing such a character.符号:代表此种字符的多重二进制代码美国传统〔coinage〕It took four years for Britain just to decimalise its own coinage.英国花了4年时间才将其币制改为十进制柯林斯高阶〔coinage〕It took four years for Britain just to decimalise its own coinage.英国花了4年时间才将其货币改为十进制外研社新世纪〔decimalization〕Many old people were confused by decimalization.很多老年人弄不清楚十进制文馨英汉〔decimalize〕Britain has decimalized her currency.英国已采用货币十进制英汉大词典〔decimalize〕To change to a decimal system.改为十进制美国传统〔decimal〕In 1971, the 1p and 2p decimal coins were introduced in Britain.英国于 1971 年开始使用十进制的 1 便士和 2 便士硬币。柯林斯高阶〔denary〕Divided or counted by tens; decimal.十进制:被十除或以十记数;十进制美国传统〔digital computer〕A computer that performs calculations and logical operations with quantities represented as digits, usually in the binary number system.数字计算机:能执行数学计算和逻辑运算,其值通常用二进制数字来表示的一种计算机美国传统〔goal〕The scorer of the winning goal.打进制胜一球的得分手柯林斯高阶〔go〕British currency went decimal in 1971.英国货币从1971年起改为十进制韦氏高阶〔hexadecimal〕Of or relating to sixteenths.十六进制的,十六的:十六进制的,十六的,与其有关的美国传统〔hexadecimal〕The number 107 is represented in hexadecimal as 6B.*107 这个数用十六进制表示为 6B。牛津高阶〔parity bit〕A bit added to a binary code that indicates parity and is used to check the integrity of data.奇偶校验位:加在二进制码上的一个标明奇偶性的位,用于检验数据的完整性美国传统〔register〕Computer Science A part of the central processing unit where groups of binary digits are stored as the computer is processing them.【计算机科学】 寄存器:当计算机处理二进制数据时中央处理器中存储数据的部分美国传统〔senary〕Of or relating to the number six.六进制的:属于或关于数字六的美国传统〔switch〕In 1971, Britain switched over (= changed completely) to a decimal currency.1971年,英国改用十进制货币。剑桥高阶〔ternary〕Having the base three.三进制美国传统〔units〕In the decimal system the number 27 has 7 units and two tens.十进制中, 27这个数的个位是7, 十位是2。外研社新世纪A binary number is a number written in base 2, using the two numbers 0 and 1.二进制数是以2为基数 ,使用0和1两个数字。剑桥国际A computer memory needs eight bits called a byte to represent a single alphabetical character.计算机存储器需要二进制八位即一个字节来表示一个英文字母。剑桥国际Decimalization of the clock has been tried before, but people seemed to prefer the 24 hour system.以前人们曾试着把时钟改为十进制,但似乎还是偏爱24小时制。剑桥国际Great Britain and the United States both have decimal currencies.英国和美国都采用十进制币。剑桥国际In 1971 Britain changed from the imperial system with 240 pence in the pound to the decimal system with 100 pence in the pound. 1971 年英国将英镑的240 便士的英(帝国)制改为100 便士的十进制剑桥国际In 1971, Britain switched over (= changed completely) to a decimal currency.英国的货币单位于1971年改为十进制剑桥国际Many people in Britain can still remember the days before decimalization (= before money was changed to a decimal system).英国的许多人还能记得未改用十进制货币前的那些日子。剑桥国际The computer performs calculations in binary and converts the results to decimal.计算机以二进制进行运算,然后将计算结果转换为十进制牛津商务We are improving the manufacturing system to achieve an optimal level of performance.我们正改进制造系统以达到最佳运行水平。牛津商务

