
单词 道口
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔RR〕Turn left at the RR crossing.在铁路交叉道口往左拐。韦氏高阶〔abnormality〕They were about to operate on a boy with an abnormality in his urinary opening.他们即将给一个尿道口畸形的男孩动手术。外研社新世纪〔cloaca〕The common cavity into which the intestinal, genital, and urinary tracts open in vertebrates such as fish, reptiles, birds, and some primitive mammals.泄殖腔:脊椎动物(如鱼、爬行动物、鸟和某些低级哺乳动物)的肠道、生殖道和泌尿道口通往的共用体腔美国传统〔coupling〕Anton the chef concocts a sensual coupling of lobster and asparagus.厨师安东用龙虾和芦笋搭配,制作出了一道口感很好的菜肴。柯林斯高阶〔crossing〕Stop at the railroad crossing.在铁路交叉道口处停下。韦氏高阶〔crown〕To reach a stage in labor when a large segment of the fetal scalp is visible at the vaginal orifice. Used of a fetus or the head of a fetus.露顶:分娩中包括胎儿头盖的大部分出现在阴道口的阶段。用于指胎儿或胎儿的头部美国传统〔cut〕He fell off the swing and cut his head open (= got a deep cut in his head).他从秋千上摔下来,头上割了道口子。剑桥高阶〔dump〕The truck dumped two loads of gravel on the driveway.卡车把两卡车砾石倾倒在车道口21世纪英汉〔grade crossing〕An intersection of railroad tracks, roads, walkways, or a combination of these at the same level.平交道口:铁轨、公路、人行道或其组合在同一平面的交叉点美国传统〔labia majora〕The two outer rounded folds of adipose tissue that lie on either side of the vaginal opening and form the external lateral boundaries of the vulva.大阴唇:在阴道口两侧的两片外面的圆形脂肪组织褶皱,构成了外阴外侧边界美国传统〔level crossing〕A grade crossing.平交道口美国传统〔meatus〕A body opening or passage, such as the opening of the ear or the urethral canal.道口:身体的开口或通道,如耳朵眼或尿道美国传统〔red〕State railway officials said the crossing signal was flashing red when the bus started moving across the tracks.国家铁路官员称, 公交车开始横穿铁路时, 道口交叉信号灯正闪着红色。外研社新世纪〔rip〕Your sleeve has a rip in it.你袖子上裂了道口子。剑桥高阶〔slash〕Cut several slashes across the top of the loaf before baking.面包烘烤前在上面切几道口子。朗文当代〔slash〕Several slashes had been made across the plastic-covered seats.塑料包着的座位上被划了几道口子。麦克米伦高阶〔slash〕The sword made a slash across his arm.剑在他的手臂上划出一道口子。英汉大词典〔stop street〕A street intersection at which a vehicle must come to a complete stop before entering a through street.停车交通口:车辆必须完全停住后才能再开入通道的街道口美国传统〔stovepipe〕A pipe, usually of thin sheet iron, used to conduct smoke or fumes from a stove into a chimney flue.火炉烟囱:通常用薄铁皮制成的管状物,用于将烟从火炉中导入烟囱通道口美国传统〔tear/rip sb/sth to shreds〕My trousers were torn to shreds when I fell off my bike.我从自行车上摔了下来,裤子撕了好几道口子。剑桥高阶〔tear〕The nail left a tear in his jacket.钉子把他的夹克划了一道口子。韦氏高阶〔ungated〕An ungated level crossing is dangerous.不设栅栏的公路与铁路平交道口是危险的。英汉大词典〔watch〕The police arrived to keep watch on the mouth of the tunnel.警方赶来监控隧道口的情况。朗文当代〔wreck〕The train wrecked at the crossing.火车在交叉道口失事。英汉大词典Bright sunlight is thought to have dazzled a woman who drove into a train at a railway crossing.人们认为是耀眼的阳光使那个妇女感到目眩,以致在铁路道口开车撞上了火车。剑桥国际He fell off the swing and cut his head open (=got a deep cut in his head).他从秋千上摔下来,头上割了道口子。剑桥国际Sadly there are precedents of (= previous examples of) accidents happening at railway crossings.很遗憾,有不少在铁道口发生事故的先例。剑桥国际She was dossing in doorways until the police picked her up.她睡在门道口,直到警察把她抓起来。剑桥国际The car stalled at the junction and he had problems starting it again.汽车在叉道口熄火,而且他无法再发动。剑桥国际The knife made a slash across his leg. 刀在他的腿上划出一道口子。译典通The pub is near where the road forks.酒吧在岔道口附近。剑桥国际The throat of a mine 矿井的巷道口译典通The train wrecked at the crossing. 火车在交叉道口失事。译典通

