
单词 饱和
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔animal〕Avoid saturated animal fats.要远离饱和动物脂肪。外研社新世纪〔animal〕Fish oils are less saturated than animal fats.鱼油不如动物脂肪饱和牛津高阶〔beta-oxidation〕The oxidative degradation of saturated fatty acids in which two-carbon units are sequentially removed from the molecule with each turn of the cycle.β-氧化作用:饱和脂肪酸的氧化降解,每个周期的转变使得两个碳单位相继从其分子中移出美国传统〔bright〕Characterizing a dyestuff that produces a highly saturated color; brilliant.鲜亮的:能印染出饱和浓度高的色彩的染料的;鲜亮的美国传统〔brilliant〕Color Relating to or being a hue that has a combination of high lightness and strong saturation.【色彩】 鲜明的,鲜艳的:一种高亮度和强饱和度结合的色彩的或与之相关的美国传统〔brine〕Water saturated with or containing large amounts of a salt, especially of sodium chloride.浓盐水:盐浓度饱和的水或含大量盐的水,尤指氯化钠含量美国传统〔brown〕Any of a group of colors between red and yellow in hue that are medium to low in lightness and low to moderate in saturation.棕色,褐色:一组介于红黄间的颜色,亮度由适中到低,色彩的饱和度由低到适中美国传统〔chromatic〕Relating to color perceived to have a saturation greater than zero.色品的,色度的:同饱和度大于零的可见色有关美国传统〔coercivity〕The intensity of the magnetic field needed to reduce the magnetization of a ferromagnetic material to zero after it has reached saturation.矫顽力:磁场的强度,为在强磁性的物质达到饱和之后,把它的磁化作用缩小到零所必需美国传统〔color solid〕A three-dimensional diagram in which colors are arranged schematically according to their three attributes of hue, value, and saturation.实色:为立体图表,其里面的颜色按照它们色泽、明暗度、与饱和度图表式地排列美国传统〔dew point〕The temperature at which air becomes saturated and produces dew.露点:在此温度时,空气饱和并产生露珠美国传统〔drive〕Eventually the market nears saturation, the drive to improve efficiency weakens, and stagnation sets in.最终市场接近饱和, 提高效率的动力减弱, 停滞也就到来了。外研社新世纪〔equivalent〕The equivalent of two tablespoons of polyunsaturated oils is ample each day.每天相当于两大汤匙多重不饱和油的量就足够了。柯林斯高阶〔excess〕Polyunsaturated oils are essential for health. Excess is harmful, however.多不饱和油对于维持健康是必不可少的, 然而过量摄入却是有害的。外研社新世纪〔excess〕Polyunsaturated oils are essential for health. Excess is harmful, however.多不饱和油对健康很重要。但是,食用过量就会有害。柯林斯高阶〔exhaust trail〕A condensation trail that is visible when water vapor in aircraft exhaust mixes with the air in the vehicle's wake and saturates it.排气尾迹:飞机排出的水汽与飞机尾部空气相混合而达到饱和时形成的可见的凝结尾迹美国传统〔fat〕Avoid excess saturated fats as found in meat, poultry, and eggs.避免过多摄入存在于肉、禽类和鸡蛋中的饱和脂肪。牛津搭配〔fat〕Reduce saturated fats in your diet.减少饮食中饱和脂肪的摄入量。牛津搭配〔glut〕The region is glutted with hospitals.该地区的医院数量已经饱和柯林斯高阶〔intensity〕The strength of a color, especially the degree to which it lacks its complementary color.色饱和度:色彩的强度,尤指到了缺乏互补色的程度美国传统〔iodate〕To combine, impregnate, or treat with iodine.使碘化:用碘化合;用碘使…饱和;用碘处理美国传统〔mature〕No longer subject to great expansion or development. Used of an industry, a market, or a product.企业、市场或产品等发展到饱和状态的美国传统〔olive〕Color A yellow green of low to medium lightness and low to moderate saturation.【色彩】 橄榄色:一种低到中等尖亮度和低至中等饱和度的黄绿色美国传统〔paraffin〕To saturate, impregnate, or coat with paraffin.用石蜡使充满、使饱和或涂抹美国传统〔pink〕Color Any of a group of colors reddish in hue, of medium to high lightness, and of low to moderate saturation.【色彩】 粉红色:色彩中略带红色的颜色中的一组,亮度中到高等,彩度饱和度从低到中等美国传统〔plateau〕The athletic footwear market has not yet plateaued.运动鞋市场还未达到饱和朗文当代〔polyunsaturated〕Of or relating to long-chain carbon compounds, especially fats, having many unsaturated bonds.多不饱和的:具有许多不饱和键的长键化合物的,或与之关的,尤指脂肪美国传统〔polyunsaturated〕Use poly8.5unsaturated spread instead of butter.用多不饱和抹酱取代黄油。柯林斯高阶〔polyunsaturate〕This margarine is high in polyunsaturates.这种人造黄油富含多重不饱和脂肪酸。剑桥高阶〔preferable〕Olive oil is preferable to saturated animal fats.橄榄油比饱和的动物脂肪好。外研社新世纪〔prepared〕Commercially prepared food is often loaded with saturated fat.为商业目的生产的食物往往含有饱和脂肪。牛津搭配〔purity〕Color The degree to which a color is free from being mixed with other colors.【色彩】 色饱和度:一种颜色不被其他颜色所混杂的程度美国传统〔quantity〕Saturated fats can be bad for your health if consumed in large quantities.大量食用饱和脂肪可能有害健康。麦克米伦高阶〔satiety〕The condition of being full or gratified beyond the point of satisfaction; surfeit.饱足:超出满足之外的饱和状况;许多美国传统〔saturant〕A substance used to saturate.饱和剂:用于促使饱和的物质美国传统〔saturant〕Serving to saturate.使…饱和美国传统〔saturated fat〕Butter and cream contain a lot of saturated fats.黄油和奶油中含有大量饱和脂肪。剑桥高阶〔saturated〕Combined with or containing all the solute that can normally be dissolved at a given temperature.饱和的:在给定温度下,合成或含有通常所能溶解的最多溶剂的美国传统〔saturated〕Geology Of or relating to minerals that can crystallize from magmas even in the presence of excess silica.【地质学】 饱和的:与在有过量硅存在时仍能从岩浆中结晶的矿物质有关的、或这种矿物的美国传统〔saturated〕The domestic market is likely to be saturated in a few years.国内市场过几年可望达到饱和英汉大词典〔saturated〕Unable to hold or contain more; full.饱和的:不能盛或包含更多的了;充满的美国传统〔saturate〕As the domestic market becomes saturated, firms begin to export the product.由于国内市场饱和,各公司开始外销。柯林斯高阶〔saturate〕As the market was saturated with goods and the economy became more balanced, inflation went down.随着市场上商品饱和, 经济趋于平衡, 通货膨胀有所缓解。外研社新世纪〔saturate〕As the market was saturated with goods and the economy became more balanced, inflation went down.随着市场上商品饱和,经济趋于平衡,通货膨胀就减弱了。柯林斯高阶〔saturate〕Chemistry To cause (a substance) to unite with the greatest possible amount of another substance.【化学】 使饱和:使一种物质与最多量的另一物质混合美国传统〔saturate〕Choose a type of spread that's lower in saturates than butter.挑选一种饱和脂肪含量比黄油少的酱。朗文当代〔saturate〕Since the US market has now been saturated, drug dealers are looking to Europe.由于美国的市场现在已经饱和,毒贩们开始转向欧洲。剑桥高阶〔saturate〕The company had saturated the market for personal organizers(= so that no new buyers could be found).那家公司的产品已使电子记事簿市场饱和牛津高阶〔saturate〕The water saturated with electrolyte.水中的电解质饱和了。21世纪英汉〔saturation point〕Chemistry The point at which a substance will receive no more of another substance in solution.【化学】 饱和点:某一物质无法再溶解更多其它物质时的点美国传统〔saturation point〕Demand for cars in the developed world will have reached saturation point within 20 years.不出20年,发达国家的汽车需求将达到饱和点。剑桥高阶〔saturation point〕The market for computer games has reached saturation point.电脑游戏市场已达到饱和牛津高阶〔saturation point〕The number of visitors to the site could soon reach saturation point.这一旅游区的游客数量很快就会达到饱和麦克米伦高阶〔saturation point〕The point at which no more can be absorbed or assimilated.饱和点:无法再吸收或消化的点美国传统〔saturation〕Chemistry The state of a compound or solution that is fully saturated.【化学】 溶液饱和:混合物或溶液完全饱和的状态美国传统〔saturation〕Demand for the product has reached saturation point.对这一产品的需求已达到饱和点。牛津搭配〔saturation〕Intensive shelling or bombing of a military target to achieve total destruction.饱和轰炸:对军事目标实施密集轰炸而达到完全摧毁之目的美国传统〔saturation〕Keep saturation below 80%.把饱和度保持在 80% 以下。朗文当代〔saturation〕Physics A state of a ferromagnetic substance in which an increase in applied magnetic field strength does not produce an increase in magnetic intensity.【物理学】 磁性饱和:在提高使用的磁场强度时不会使磁力密度升高的一种磁化饱状态美国传统〔saturation〕Reforms have led to the saturation of the market with goods.改革已经使得市场上商品饱和柯林斯高阶〔saturation〕Road traffic has reached saturation point.公路交通已达到饱和点。柯林斯高阶〔saturation〕The act or process of saturating.饱和:使饱和浸透的行为或过程美国传统〔saturation〕The company's sales are now close to saturation in many western countries.这家公司在许多西方国家的产品销售已接近饱和牛津搭配〔saturation〕The concept of saturation marketing makes perfect sense.饱和营销的概念是完全有道理的。柯林斯高阶〔saturation〕The condition of being full to or beyond satisfaction; satiety.饱和:充分满足或过于满意的状态;饱和美国传统〔saturation〕The condition of being saturated.饱和的状态美国传统〔saturation〕The flooding of a market with all of a commodity that consumers can purchase.市场饱和:市场上满足消费者所能购买的全部商品的状态美国传统〔state〕If a fat remains in a liquid state at room temperature it is unsaturated.如果某种脂肪在室温下保持液态, 该种脂肪便为不饱和脂肪。外研社新世纪〔strength〕Degree of concentration, distillation, or saturation; potency.浓度:集中度,浓度,饱和度;效力美国传统〔strong〕Color Characterized by a high degree of saturation.【色彩】 高度饱和美国传统〔superheat〕To heat (steam or other vapor not in contact with its own liquid) beyond its saturation point at a given pressure.使过度加热:在一定压力下把(不接触液体的水蒸气或其它蒸气)加热到超过它的饱和美国传统〔supersaturate〕To cause (a chemical solution) to be more highly concentrated than is normally possible under given conditions of temperature and pressure.使过饱和:使(化学溶液)在一定的温度和压强条件下,比正常可能的饱和程度更为饱和美国传统〔supersaturate〕To cause (a vapor) to exceed the normal saturation vapor pressure at a given temperature.使(蒸汽)在一定温度下超出正常的饱和蒸汽压力美国传统〔thereby〕Diets that are high in saturated fat clog up our arteries, thereby reducing the blood flow to our hearts and brains.高饱和脂肪和高胆固醇的饮食容易阻塞我们的动脉,从而减少向心脏和大脑的供血。剑桥高阶〔unsaturated fat〕Avocados are high in unsaturated fat.油梨富含不饱和脂肪。牛津高阶〔unsaturated〕Capable of dissolving more of a solute at a given temperature.不饱和的:在一给定温度下能够溶解更多的溶质的美国传统〔unsaturated〕Fish is high in unsaturated fatty acids.鱼类富含不饱和脂肪酸。外研社新世纪〔unsaturate〕An unsaturated compound.不饱和化合物美国传统〔villain〕We've always been told that cholesterol was a major cause of heart disease but, actually, saturated fat is the worst villain.我们一直被告知胆固醇是导致心脏病的主要原因,可实际上饱和脂肪才是罪魁祸首。剑桥高阶A major accident in this area could saturate medical facilities.这一地区发生一次大事故可以使医疗设施的使用达到饱和点。剑桥国际A vegetarian diet tends to be low in saturated fat and high in fibre, which helps prevent fats passing into the bloodstream.食素者的饮食倾向于饱和脂高纤维,这样有助于阻止脂肪进入血液。剑桥国际After six hours of saturation bombing (= extremely severe military attack), no building in the city remained standing.在六个小时的饱和轰炸以后,这城市已没有留下任何矗立的建筑物了。剑桥国际Butter and cream contain a lot of saturated fats.黄油和奶油含有大量饱和脂肪。剑桥国际Demand for cars in the developed world will have reached saturation point within 20 years.在未来的20年内发达国家对汽车的需求将达到饱和点。剑桥国际Diets that are high in saturated fat and cholesterol tend to clog up our arteries, thereby reducing the blood flow to our hearts and brains. 高饱和脂肪和高热量的饮食使我们的动脉阻塞,从而减少流入心脏和脑的血液。剑桥国际Has broadband reached market saturation in North America? 宽带业务在北美市场已达到饱和了吗?牛津商务Health club operators are finding themselves in a crowded and rapidly maturing sector of the market.健身俱乐部经营者发现这是一个竞争激烈且快速饱和的市场板块。牛津商务Households have reached saturation point in the number of magazines they are prepared to buy.家庭准备买的杂志在数量方面已经达到饱和点。剑桥国际Instead of butter, I always go for a margarine high in polyunsaturates or a low-fat spread.我总是选择富含多不饱和脂肪的人造奶油或低脂肪酱来代替白脱。剑桥国际Most vegetable fats and oils are polyunsaturated.绝大多数蔬菜脂肪和食用油为多不饱和脂肪。剑桥国际Sales growth fell as our company and the market matured.随着我们公司的成熟和市场的饱和,销售额趋于下降。牛津商务Sales of CD players have not yet reached saturation point, but they're slowing down noticeably.激光唱机的销售还未到达饱和点,但销售已经明显放慢了。剑桥国际Sales of vending machines have fallen because of saturation of the market.自动贩卖机的销售量已经因为市场饱和而下降。牛津商务Since the US market has now been saturated, the drug dealers are looking to Europe.由于美国的市场已经饱和,毒品贩子开始转向欧洲。剑桥国际The link established between saturated fats and coronary heart disease (=disease of the coronary arteries) provides evidence of the modern diet leading to ill-health.饱和脂肪和冠(状动脉)心(脏)病之间的联系证明了现代饮食能导致健康不佳。剑桥国际The market for music, videos and books is reaching maturity.音像和图书市场正趋于饱和牛津商务The market for this product is reaching saturation point (= a situation when few new buyers can be found).这款产品的市场正趋于饱和牛津商务The mobile phone market is becoming saturated.移动电话市场正趋于饱和牛津商务The number of flights in and out of the airport is fast approaching saturation point.出入这个飞机场的班机数量即将很快达到饱和点。剑桥国际This sunflower oil is high in polyunsaturates and low in cholesterol.这种葵花籽油多不饱和脂肪含量高,胆固醇含量低。剑桥国际

