
单词 轻率的
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CARELESS〕Witnesses say the argument started after a careless remark about the victim's wife. 证人们说争吵是由受害人妻子的一句轻率的话引起的。朗文写作活用〔brassbound〕Bold and impudent; brazen.轻率的:大胆而轻率的;厚脸皮的美国传统〔decline〕I declined to go along with such a wild scheme.我无法按这样轻率的计划继续干下去。21世纪英汉〔deface with〕Thoughtless boys defaced the gate of the school with rude message in blue paint.轻率的男孩们用蓝油漆在学校大门上涂写了一些粗鲁话。21世纪英汉〔drop〕He then drops a flippant remark about what his boss is doing.然后, 他随口对老板正在做的事情作了轻率的评论。外研社新世纪〔dusty〕He has been given a dusty answer.他得到一个轻率的回答。外研社新世纪〔enrage〕His thoughtless behavior enraged us.他轻率的行为激怒了我们。韦氏高阶〔escapade〕As a teenager he embarked on a series of ill-advised escapades.十几岁的时候,他干了不少轻率的冒险事儿。韦氏高阶〔flay〕He was flayed [=severely criticized] by the media for his thoughtless comments.他轻率的言论引来媒体对他的严厉斥责。韦氏高阶〔flippant〕He now dismisses that as a flippant comment.他现在把那当作轻率的随口一说不再理会了。柯林斯高阶〔flippant〕His flippant remarks only made the judge angrier.他轻率的评论只是让法官更加愤怒。麦克米伦高阶〔flip〕I was fed up with his flip comments.我听够了他那些轻率的话。朗文当代〔giddiness〕Their actions were beginning to look irresponsible to the point of giddiness.他们的行为开始变得不负责任, 甚至到了轻率的地步。外研社新世纪〔goosy〕Foolish or scatterbrained.愚蠢的,轻率的美国传统〔hairbrained〕Harebrained.浮躁的,轻率的,愚蠢的美国传统〔harum-scarum〕Lacking a sense of responsibility; reckless.轻率的:缺乏责任感的;冒失莽撞的美国传统〔haste〕Rash or headlong action; precipitateness.草率:鲁莽的或轻率的行动;急躁美国传统〔heavy-handed〕Tactless; indiscreet.不明智的;轻率的美国传统〔imprudence〕An unwise or indiscreet act.轻率的举止:不明智或者礼的举动美国传统〔imprudent〕He's an imprudent person.他是个轻率的人。文馨英汉〔imprudent〕It is imprudent to rush into something without thinking what may happen.不考虑可能产生的后果就贸然行事是轻率的英汉大词典〔imprudent〕Unwise or indiscreet; not prudent.不明智或不谨慎的;轻率的美国传统〔indiscreet〕He lost his job after he sent an indiscreet e-mail to work friends.他因为向关系不错的同事发了一封轻率的邮件而丢掉了工作。外研社新世纪〔lament〕He lamented his thoughtless acts.他非常懊悔自己轻率的举动美国传统〔light-minded〕Frivolous, silly, or inanely giddy.轻率的、傻的或空虚轻浮的美国传统〔lightheaded〕Given to frivolity; silly.轻率的;愚蠢的美国传统〔love〕She is a girl who loves unwisely.她是一个恋爱轻率的姑娘。21世纪英汉〔note〕His remarks injected a note of levity into the proceedings.他的话给整个活动增添了一丝轻率的意味。牛津搭配〔precipitate〕They made a precipitate decision.他们作了一个轻率的决定。美国传统〔rashly〕Mr. Major is making no rash promises.梅杰先生没有作出轻率的承诺。柯林斯高阶〔rash〕Don't make rash decisions.不要做轻率的决定。文馨英汉〔scheme〕He has a hare-brained/crazy scheme for getting rich before he's 20.他有一个轻率的/疯狂的计划,让自己在20岁前致富。剑桥高阶〔weather the storm〕In the next few days we will see if the ambassador can weather the political storm caused by his remarks.在接下来的几天里,我们要看看那位大使能否平安渡过这场因他轻率的言辞而引发的政治风波。剑桥高阶He brought about his company's collapse by reckless speculation.他因做轻率的投机生意而导致他的公司倒闭。剑桥国际He has a rather devil-may-care attitude to his studies.对学业,他持相当轻率的态度。剑桥国际He takes unconsidered decisions which tend to land him in trouble.他作出一些轻率的决定, 使他陷入麻烦。剑桥国际He's got a hare-brained/crazy/daft scheme for getting rich before he's 20.他有一个轻率的/疯狂的/愚蠢的计划,要在20岁以前致富。剑桥国际I'm tired of your flippant remarks / comments / attitude -- please take the matter more seriously.我已经厌倦你(们)轻率的言辞/评说/态度----请更加严肃地对待这件事情。剑桥国际In the next few days we shall see if the ambassador can weather the political storm caused by his ill-advised remarks.在以后的几天里,我们将会看到这位大使是否能安然渡过因他轻率的言辞而引起的政治风波。剑桥国际That's a lunatic (= extremely foolish and careless) way to behave.那是愚蠢轻率的表现。剑桥国际The headlong leader is forever making headlong decisions. 那个鲁莽的领导人老是作轻率的决定。译典通The indiscreet girl often revealed secrets to strangers. 这个轻率的女孩常向陌生人透露秘密。译典通What annoys me about these people is their unthinking hostility to anything foreign or unfamiliar.这些人令我恼火的是他们对任何外国或不熟悉的事物的轻率的敌视。剑桥国际

