
单词 间位
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔amidships〕Midway between the bow and the stern.在船中部:位于船头和船尾的中间位美国传统〔betwixt〕In an intermediate position; neither wholly one thing nor another.模棱两可:处于中间位置;不全是这样也不全是那样美国传统〔centerpiece〕Something in a central position, especially a decorative object or arrangement placed at the center of a table.中心件:居于中间位置的某物,尤指放在桌子中间的装饰物品或摆设美国传统〔center〕A person, object, or group occupying a middle position.中间人物、物体或集体:占据中间位置、立场的人、物或团体美国传统〔center〕Sports A player who holds a middle position on the field, court, or forward line in some team sports, such as football and basketball.【体育运动】 中锋:在一些团体运动项目中,如足球和篮球,占据场地或前锋线上中间位置的运动员美国传统〔excursion〕A movement from and back to a mean position or axis in an oscillating or alternating motion.移动:从中间位置或轴线向外或向后的振荡或依次的运动美国传统〔intermediate〕One that is in a middle position or state.中间事物:处于中间位置或状态的事物美国传统〔mean〕Intermediate in size, extent, quality, time, or degree; medium.中等的:在两极端之间占具中间位置的,居中的美国传统〔medial〕In “dairy” the “i” is in medial position.在单词 dairy 中i处于中间位置。英汉大词典〔mediate〕Being in a middle position.居于中间位置的美国传统〔quad〕His rooms were on the left-hand side of the quad.他的房间位于四方院的左侧。柯林斯高阶It was a discreet apartment in a quiet street. 那是间位于一条僻静的街上不引人注意的公寓房间。译典通The workshop is in unit 20.这个车间位于 20 单元。牛津商务

