
单词 长途运输
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔freshness〕The fruit had been shipped a great distance, and lacked flavor and freshness.水果经历了长途运输,已经失去味道,完全不新鲜了。韦氏高阶〔offset〕We offset all our long-haul flights.我们补偿了之前长途运输机的排放所带来的损害。剑桥高阶〔traffic〕Most long-distance traffic of heavy goods is done by ships.大多数重型货物的长途运输都使用轮船。朗文当代〔travel〕Cheese does not travel well.乳酪经不起长途运输英汉大词典〔travel〕Exporters have to find wines that travel well.出口商得找到经得起长途运输的葡萄酒。朗文当代〔travel〕Ripe fruit does not travel well, but unripe fruit can be transported worldwide.熟透的水果不宜长途运输,但未成熟的水果却可以运往全世界。柯林斯高阶〔travel〕Some wines do not travel well.有些葡萄酒经不住长途运输牛津高阶〔travel〕Some wines don't travel well.一些葡萄酒经不起长途运输剑桥高阶〔travel〕Some wines don't travel well.有些酒经不起长途运输麦克米伦高阶〔travel〕Some wines travel well.有些葡萄酒可经长途运输而不变质。英汉大词典〔travel〕This wine doesn't travel well.这种葡萄酒经不起长途运输外研社新世纪He works as a long-distance lorry driver 他是一个长途运输司机。剑桥国际The company cut its loss-making long-haul route to Australia.这公司取消了至澳大利亚的亏损长途运输路线。牛津商务

