
单词 门槛
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔bring〕He was brought up sharply (或sharp) by the sight at the threshold.他一见这景象便在门槛处蓦地收住脚步。英汉大词典〔catch on〕She caught her foot on the threshold and stumbled.她的一只脚被门槛绊住而跌倒了。21世纪英汉〔doorsill〕The threshold of a doorway.门槛美国传统〔misstep〕Forgetting the doorsill, he made a misstep.他忘了跨门槛而绊了一下。英汉大词典〔rocker panel〕One of the sections of body paneling in a vehicle, such as an automobile, lying beneath the passenger compartment.车门槛板:设在乘客行李箱底下构成汽车等车辆某一部分的金属板美国传统〔select〕As Faldo's final putt rattled in, he qualified to join a select band of illustrious sportsmen.随着福尔多的最后一杆轻击,球应声入洞,他得以跻身门槛颇高的顶级运动员之列。柯林斯高阶〔step〕She stepped over the threshold.她跨过门槛外研社新世纪〔stub〕He stubbed his toe against the doorsill.他的脚趾踢上了门槛英汉大词典〔threshold〕A piece of wood or stone placed beneath a door; a doorsill.门槛:在门下放置的一段木条或石条;门槛美国传统〔threshold〕Eighty percent of the vote was the threshold for approval of the plan.80% 的票数是这个计划能够获得批准的“门槛”。朗文当代〔threshold〕He hesitated before stepping across the threshold.他犹豫了一下才跨过门槛牛津搭配〔threshold〕He stepped across the threshold.他迈过门槛牛津高阶〔threshold〕He stepped across the threshold.他迈过门槛韦氏高阶〔threshold〕Men were not allowed to cross the threshold.男士不得跨过这个门槛麦克米伦高阶〔threshold〕She opened the door and stepped across the threshold.她打开门,跨过门槛朗文当代〔threshold〕The consensus has clearly shifted in favour of raising the nuclear threshold.显然大家已普遍开始转向支持提高核武器使用的门槛了。柯林斯高阶〔threshold〕They stepped across the threshold of the hall.他们跨过大厅的门槛英汉大词典〔toughen〕Universities are toughening up their entrance requirements.大学都在提高入学门槛麦克米伦高阶〔wild〕Wild horses wouldn't have dragged me across the threshold again.无论如何我都不会再越过那个门槛了。外研社新世纪He stubbed his toe against the doorsill. 他的脚趾踢到了门槛上。译典通It's an old tradition for a man to carry his wife over the threshold when they first enter their new home after getting married.新郎抱着妻子过门槛入新房是老传统。剑桥国际The standard of the applications for the post is very low.申请这一职位的门槛很低。牛津商务

