
单词 英国皇家
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Distinguished Service Medal〕A British military decoration awarded to noncommissioned officers and men in the Royal Navy and Royal Marines for distinguished conduct in war.(英国的)战时优异战功勋章:英国军队的勋章,授予在战争中表现突出但未受任命的英国皇家海军及皇家海军陆战队的军官和战士美国传统〔FRS〕Dr Helen Muir, FRS 英国皇家学会会员海伦‧米尔博士剑桥高阶〔HMBS〕Her, or His, Majesty's British Ship.英国皇家海军舰艇美国传统〔HMS〕HMS Belfast 英国皇家海军战舰“贝尔法斯特”号朗文当代〔HMS〕HMS Illustrious 英国皇家海军航母卓越号剑桥高阶〔HMS〕He served on board HMS Warrior.他在英国皇家海军舰艇“勇士号”上服役。麦克米伦高阶〔HMS〕Her, or His, Majesty's Ship.英国皇家海军舰艇美国传统〔RAF〕An RAF helicopter rescued the men after the boat began taking in water.在船开始进水后,一架英国皇家空军的直升机救起了那些船员。柯林斯高阶〔RAF〕Royal Air Force.英国皇家空军美国传统〔READY/NOT READY〕RAF medical crews are on standby to fly out to the war zone. 英国皇家空军的医疗队在待命飞往战区。朗文写作活用〔RM〕Captain Alastair Rogers, RM.英国皇家海军陆战队上校阿拉斯泰尔·罗杰斯柯林斯高阶〔RN〕Captain H. Doughty, RN 英国皇家海军上校 H.道蒂剑桥高阶〔WRAC〕Women's Royal Army Corps.英国皇家陆军妇女队美国传统〔air force〕Jack Mann was a Royal Air Force fighter pilot during World War II.杰克·曼在第二次世界大战时期是英国皇家空军的战斗机飞行员。柯林斯高阶〔amalgamation〕The RAF was formed by an amalgamation of the Royal Flying Corps and the Royal Naval Air Service.英国皇家空军由皇家陆军航空队和皇家海军航空队合并而成。外研社新世纪〔beefeater〕A yeoman of the British monarch's royal guard.英国皇家卫队的卫士美国传统〔closing〕He entered RAF service in the closing stages of the war.战争快要结束的时候,他加入了英国皇家空军。柯林斯高阶〔coastguard〕The survivors were lifted off by two helicopters, one from the Coastguard and one from the RAF.幸存者被两架直升机送走,一架是海岸警卫队的,一架是英国皇家空军的。柯林斯高阶〔command〕He had been in command of HMS Churchill for nearly a year.他指挥过英国皇家海军舰艇“丘吉尔”号将近一年。外研社新世纪〔commendation〕The Company received a commendation from the Royal Society of Arts.这家公司荣获英国皇家美术学会的嘉奖。外研社新世纪〔dashing〕He was the very model of the dashing RAF pilot.他正是风度翩翩的英国皇家空军飞行员的代表。外研社新世纪〔dashing〕He was the very model of the dashing RAF pilot.他正是风度翩翩的英国皇家空军飞行员的典范。柯林斯高阶〔decommission〕HMS Warspite was decommissioned as part of defence cuts.英国皇家海军厌战号战列舰退役了, 这是削减国防开支计划的措施之一。外研社新世纪〔decommission〕HMS Warspite was decommissioned as part of defence cuts.作为削减国防开支的一部分,英国皇家海军舰艇“厌战”号宣布退役。柯林斯高阶〔embarkation〕They travelled to Portsmouth, where they embarked on the battle cruiser HMS Renown.他们行至朴次茅斯,在那里登上了英国皇家海军“声望号”战列巡洋舰。柯林斯高阶〔escort〕HMS Tamarisk served as a convoy escort in the North Sea.英国皇家海军舰艇“柽柳”号在北海提供护航服务。外研社新世纪〔grenadier〕A member of the British Grenadier Guards, the first regiment of the royal household infantry.近卫步兵第一团的士兵:英国皇家近卫步兵第一团的士兵美国传统〔group〕The main formations of the R.A.F. are the flight, the squadron, the wing and the group.英国皇家空军的主要编队有小队、中队、联队和大队。英汉大词典〔name〕The aptly named HMS “Victorious” helped the British Royal Navy win an important victory.取名贴切的皇家海军舰艇“胜利”号助英国皇家海军赢得了一次重要胜利。韦氏高阶〔overwhelming〕The British Air Force succeeded despite overwhelming odds against them.英国皇家空军虽然机会渺茫,但还是取得了胜利。朗文当代〔pounding〕The town took a fair pounding from the RAF.英国皇家空军的轰炸使这个镇受到重创。外研社新世纪〔recall〕He was recalled to active duty in the Royal Navy.他被召回英国皇家海军服现役。麦克米伦高阶〔recognize〕The RAF recognized him as an outstandingly able engineer.英国皇家空军表彰他是一名杰出的工程师。外研社新世纪〔recognize〕The RAF recognized him as an outstandingly able engineer.英国皇家空军表彰他是一名非常能干的机械师。柯林斯高阶〔rub〕The question is whether the RAF are still listening in. That's the rub, isn't it?问题是英国皇家空军是否还在监听。这就是问题所在, 不是吗?外研社新世纪〔serve〕During the second world war he served with RAF Coastal Command.二战期间他在英国皇家空军海防总队服役。柯林斯高阶〔the RAF〕He was in the RAF for 30 years.他曾在英国皇家空军服役30年。剑桥高阶〔try〕Her father allowed her to try for the Royal College of Art.她父亲准许她报考英国皇家艺术学院。英汉大词典The new officers passed out from Britannia Royal Naval College on Thursday 1 August.新的军官8月1日星期四从英国皇家海军学院毕业。剑桥国际There are more than 1100 crew members on board the ship, including a large number of Wrens.有1100多名船员在这条船上,包括大量的英国皇家海军妇女服务队队员。剑桥国际

