
词组 sour
释义 sour /ˈsaʊə(r)/ SEE ALL
go/turn ˈsourbecome less enjoyable, pleasant or good 变得不愉快;变坏;恶化Relations between the two nations have recently gone sour.
sour ˈgrapes (saying) used to describe the behaviour of sb who pretends that sth they cannot have is of little value or interest 酸葡萄(吃不着葡萄说葡萄酸)When she failed the entrance exam, she started saying that she never wanted to go to college anyway, but I think that’s just sour grapes.
ORIGIN This idiom comes from one of Aesop’s fables. A fox cannot reach some grapes so he decides that they are not ready to eat. 这个习语源于《伊索寓言》,一只狐狸够不着葡萄,便说葡萄没熟,不能吃。

