例句 COLLECT1 to collect things2 someone who collects things3 things that have been collectedRELATED WORDSsee alsoTHING1 to collect things 收集物品 collect /kəˈlekt/ [transitive verb] Arlene collects teddy bears. 阿琳收集玩具熊。 Nigel's hobby is collecting rare books. 奈杰尔爱好收集珍本图书。 Anyone who collects jazz records should buy this book. It's full of information on old recordings. 任何收藏爵士乐唱片的人都应该买这本书—书中有很多介绍旧唱片的资料。2 someone who collects things 收集物品的人 collector /kəˈlektəʳ/ [countable noun] coin/stamp/antiques etc collector He's been a coin collector for years. 他收藏钱币有好些年了。 The gallery was full of art collectors and dealers. 画廊里全是艺术品收藏家和画商。collector of He's an avid collector of Beatles memorabilia. 他是披头士纪念品的热心收藏者。3 things that have been collected 被收集的物品 collection /kəˈlekʃən/ [countable noun] a group of things that someone has collected because they are attractive or interesting 〔一批〕收藏品 coin/stamp etc collection Have you seen Alvin's stamp collection? 你见过阿尔文的邮票藏品吗?collection of On the shelf was his mother's collection of crystal vases. 架子上摆着她母亲收藏的水晶花瓶。 The museum has one of the world's finest collections of Impressionist paintings. 该博物馆的印象派藏画是世界上顶级的。 set /set/ [countable noun] a complete collection of one type of object 〔同类事物的〕一套,一组 The head teacher was presented with a set of the Encyclopaedia Britannica, worth more than £1,600. 校长获赠一套价值超过1,600英镑的《不列颠百科全书》。complete set For sale - ‘The Guitarist’ magazine - complete set, 1984-1992. 出售—《吉他手》杂志—1984年至1992年全套。set of a set of commemorative gold coins 一套纪念金币

