
单词 stopped
释义 stopped, ppl. a.|stɒpt|
[f. stop v. + -ed1.]
In senses of the verb.
1. (Sense uncertain: ? Stuffed.) Obs.
1342–3Durham Acc. Rolls (Surtees) 38 In ij stopped salmon emp. iiij s.
2. a. Obstructed, blocked. Of a hole or crevice: Filled up.
c1440Promp. Parv. 477/2 Stoppyd, obstructus.1578H. Wotton Courtlie Controv. 237 My stopped eares thou haste compeld to heare.1582Bentley Mon. Matrones ii. 145 Open thou the stopped eares of mine hart.1796Coleridge To a Friend [Lamb] 35 With stopped nostril and glove-guarded hand.1881Tripplin & Rigg Saunier's Watchmakers' Handbk. 279 To clear a stopped hole in a screw-plate.1899Westm. Gaz. 15 Feb. 5/1 Stopped gas-pipes or burst water-pipes.
b. Having the voice obstructed; hoarse. Obs.
1456Sir G. Hay Gov. Princes Wks. (S.T.S.) II. 157 Sum man [is] stoppit as a crok, and sum clere syngand as a nychtingale.
c. stopped-up: obstructed, suffering from obstruction.
c1611Chapman Iliad xv. 222 [He] found great Hector, sitting vp, not stretcht vpon his bed, Nor wheasing with a stopt-vp spirit.1667Phil. Trans. II. 547 Upon taking a slight cold, she was so stop't up, that she could only whisper.1855Browning Andrea del Sarto 80 In their vexed, beating, stuffed and stopped-up brain.
d. Bridge. (See quots.) Cf. stopper n. 7 e.
1901R. F. Foster Foster's Bridge 35 A Suit is Stopped when you can make one trick in it, or can compel the adversary to quit it and lead something else.1929M. C. Work Compl. Contract Bridge iv. 20 A suit is stopped when the bidder holds such cards in it that he can be sure of taking at least one trick in that suit.
3. Of a vessel, tube, etc.: Closed with a plug or stopper. Of an organ-pipe: Closed at the top. stopped diapason: see diapason n. 7.
1601Daniel Civ. Wars vi. xlix, They Mineralls combustible do finde, Which in stopt concaues placed cunningly They fire.1694Waller in Phil. Trans. XVIII. 155 A stopt Organ-Pipe is an Eighth to the same open.1720Mrs. Bradshaw in C'tess Suffolk's Lett. (1824) I. 69 You are as close as a stopped bottle, and do not give one the least account how things go on your side of the water.1827Faraday Chem. Manip. xv. (1842) 390 Broken up and put into stopped bottles.1841J. Bishop Hamilton's Dict. Mus. Terms App. 117 Stopt Diapason, the name of an organ-stop; so called from having its pipes stopped at the top with a wooden plug, by which it is tuned.1867Tyndall Sound 187 There is no theoretic limit to the subdivision of an organ-pipe either stopped or open. In stopped pipes we begin with a semi-ventral segment, and pass on to 3, 5, 7, &c. semi-ventral segments.1880Grove's Dict. Music II. 490 A hollow, rather sweet tone, similar to that of a stopped organ pipe.1891Hardy Tess xiv, The stopt-diapason note which her voice acquired when her heart was in her speech.
4. Of dice: Loaded. (Cf. stop v. 12 d). Obs.
1600Rowlands Lett. Humours Blood (1874) 59 His stopt Dice with Quick-siluer neuer misse.
5. Mus. (See quots.)
1676Mace Musick's Mon. 68 An Open String is more sweet, and Freer of Sound, than a stopt String.Ibid. 85 Never take up any Stopt Finger..till you have some necessary Vse of It.Ibid. 103 The Stopt-Shake, is (only) differing from the Open-Shake, in that you [etc.].1801Busby Dict. Mus., Stopt, an epithet applied to the strings of a violin, violoncello, &c. when brought into contact with the finger-board by the pressure of the fingers.
6. a. Caused to cease; brought to a standstill; barred from further progress or action.
a1586Sidney Arcadia iii. xix. (1912) 468 Gynecia..besought him to make no delay; using such gestures of compassion insteed of stopped words, that [etc.].1599Porter Angry Wom. Abington (Percy Soc.) 14 Mis. Bar... Shall I be chid For such a ―. Mis. Gou. What a? nay mistresse speake it out; I scorne your stopt compares.1850Hannay Singleton Fontenoy i. viii, Things are very bad..Nothing but turnings out, stopped mills, and riots.1891Meredith One of our Conq. xxviii, The face of a stopped watch.1898Westm. Gaz. 27 Apr. 8/2 A passenger on board a stopped steamer said that..the soldiers..are enthusiastic for war.
b. Of a bank-note, cheque, etc.: see stop v. 19.
1865Mrs. J. H. Riddell Maxw. Drewitt xxix, Robbery of two thousand pounds..assaulting a constable..passing the stopped notes.1891Daily News 18 July 4/7 A vendor could sell a legally stopped bond, which he knew to be so stopped, to a purchaser who did not know it was stopped.
7. Phonetics. Of a consonant-sound: Formed by complete closure of the orinasal passages; explosive.
1874Sweet in Trans. Philol. Soc. 539 The conversion of an open into a stopped consonant is, of course, anomalous.1885Encycl. Brit. XVIII. 787/1 margin, Stopped sounds.
8. Versification. Of a line: Ending with the conclusion of a sentence or clause.
1874Fleay in Trans. New Shaks. Soc. I. 2, I cannot speak definitely as to the stopped-line test, not having worked it out.1875A. W. Ward Eng. Dram. Lit. I. iv. 361 A ‘stopped’ line is one in which the sentence, or clause of the sentence, concludes with the line.
9. Carpentry. Of a chamfer, housing, etc.: closed, not running the whole length of a member. Cf. stop v. 30.
1918Woodwork Joints 167 The sketch to the right shows ‘stopped housing’, the groove coming to within ½in. of the front edge of the shelf.1934P. A. Wells Design in Woodwork ii. 15 The number of joints can be trebled by variations such as ‘through’, ‘stopped’ or ‘secret’ dovetails.1949W. J. West Woodwork ix. 78 To cut stopped housings start by using a mallet and chisel to chop out a slot of the required depth.1979A. B. Emary Woodworking iii. 18 At (a) is seen the stopped housing joint where the recess has been terminated a short distance from one edge and the piece which fits into the recess has been cut to fit round the stopped end.

