
单词 underfind
释义 underˈfind, v. Now dial.
[under-1 8 a. Cf. Du. ondervinden.]
trans. To perceive, understand.
c1200Vices & Virtues 99 Ȝif hie cumeð fram mannen, hie cann hwatliche underfinden, an hwos half he is icumen.a1300Cursor M. 3664 If mi fader þat es now blind Mai mi fallace oght vnderfind, I dred me sare, for benison He sal me giue his malison.1320–30Horn Ch. 623 Þe kniȝt toke a schaft in hand, & horn wele vnder-fand, Þat he couþe ride.a1800Pegge Suppl. Grose, Underfind, to understand. Derb.1877N.W. Linc. Gloss. 263 He was here last neet, I underfind.

