
单词 half-face
释义 half-face, n.
1. Half of a face; the face as seen in profile; a profile on a coin, etc. Also attrib.
1542Boorde Introd. Knowl. iv. (1870) 137 They haue halfe face crownes.1561Stow Eng. Chron. (1565) 169 b, A new coyne of siluer; as grotes, halfegrotes, and shyllinges with halfe-faces.1614Bp. Hall Recoll. Treat. 399 Wee sawe a boy there, whose halfe-face was devoured by one of them [wolves].1656J. Harrington Oceana (1771) 28 (Jod.) Unless we would draw him with a half face.1678Butler Hud. iii. i. 784 Those ravishing and charming Graces, Are all made of two half Faces.1859Tennyson Elaine 1255 Then turn'd the tongueless man From the half-face to the full eye.
b. A thin face: cf. half-faced 1, quot. 1595.
2. Mil. The action or position of facing half-way to the right or left, i.e. at an angle of 45 degrees.
1833Regul. Instr. Cavalry i. 14 Right, or Left, Half Face, each man will make an exact half face, as directed, by drawing back or advancing the right foot one inch, by which the whole will stand individually in echellon.1847Infantry Man. (1854) 22 Make a half-face to the right.
So half-face v. Mil., intr., to make a half-face. Hence half-facing vbl. n.
1833Regul. Instr. Cavalry i. 20 The men move on the oblique lines upon which they are..placed..as described in the half-facings.1853Stocqueler Milit. Encycl., To half-face is to take half the usual distance between the [front and] right or left face, in order to give an oblique direction to the line.

