
单词 slackness
释义 slackness|ˈslæknɪs|
Forms: 1 sleacnes, -nys, slecnys, 4 slacnesse, slaknes (5 -nesse), 5 slakenes, 6 slacke-, 6–7 slacknesse, 6– slackness.
[f. slack a. + -ness.]
1. a. Lack of diligence or energy; tendency to idleness or sluggishness; remissness.
c897K. ælfred tr. Gregory's Past. C. xl. 289 Oft eac sio godnes ðære monnðwærnesse bið dieᵹellice ᵹemenged wið sleacnesse.1340Ayenb. 33 Efterward comþ slacnesse..þet bint zuo þane man þet onneaþe he him yefþ to done wel.c1386Chaucer Pars. T. ⁋680 He dooth alle thyng with..slaknesse and excusacion, and with ydelnesse, and vnlust.1555Eden Decades (Arb.) 55 Who maye herein woorthely accuse vs for the slackenesse of owre dewtie towarde hym.1592W. West 1st Pt. Symbol. §38 B iiij, Deley..which happeneth by the slacknesse either of the creditor, or debtor.1642in Clarendon Hist. Reb. iv. §346 He said, ‘he should wash his hands..from the least imputation of slackness in that..pious work’.1667Milton P.L. xi. 630 From Mans effeminate slackness it begins.1713Young Last Day i. 107 Not folded arms, and slackness of the mind, Can promise for the safety of mankind.1803Malthus Popul. (1817) II. 408 The slackness of its neighbours in manufacturing, or any other cause.1849Macaulay Hist. Eng. viii. II. 313 His slackness drew on him a sharp reprimand from the royal lips.1869Freeman Norm. Conq. III. 327 Their interest and their duty were too nearly the same to allow of any slackness.
b. Laxity; want of strictness.
1674Essex Papers (Camden) I. 213 Y⊇ slackness of dicipline used in England towards Soldiers.1699Burnet 39 Art. xxv. (1700) 280 A slackness in Doctrine..will always bring with it a much greater corruption in practice.
2. Slowness; tardiness.
c1000Saxon Leechd. III. 264 Swa swa þære sunnan sleacnys acenð ænne dæᵹ..swa eac þæs monan swiftnes awyrpð ut ænne dæᵹ.c1000ælfric Hom. II. 282 Ðam ᵹemettum wæs beboden þæt hi sceoldon caflice etan, forðan ðe God onscunað þa sleacnysse on his ðeᵹnum.c1055Byrhtferth's Handboc in Anglia VIII. 301 Nu wolde ic þæt þa æðela clericas asceocon fram heora andᵹites orðance ælce sleacnysse.1611Bible Transl. Pref. ⁋ 14 In a businesse of moment a man feareth not the blame of conuenient slacknesse.1635Swan Spec. M. i. §3 (1643) 14 These who mocked at the slacknesse of Christs coming to judgement.1739S. Sharp Surg. (J.), There is a slackness to heal, and a cure is very difficultly effected.
3. a. Lack of vigour or strength; absence of tension or tightness.
1398Trevisa Barth. De P.R. ix. xxiv. (Bodl. MS.), Poores of bodies..closeþ for slakenes of heete in the euetide.c1440Promp. Parv. 458/1 Slaknesse, laxatura.1743Blair Grave 284 Man..knowing well the Slackness of his Arm, Trusts only in the well-invented Knife.1755Johnson, Laxity,..slackness; contrariety to tension.
b. concr. The slack part of anything.
1898Crockett Red Axe (1903) 157 Lifting him unceremoniously up by the slackness of his back covertures, I turned him over.
4. Absence of briskness; dullness (of trade, etc.).
1851Helps Comp. Solit. iv. (1874) 51 Whenever he speaks of the slackness of trade.1884Manch. Exam. 9 June 4/1 In the Stock Exchange the tone was mostly flat, in consequence of the slackness of business.
5. Naut. (See quot. 1877.)
1877W. H. White Man. Naval Archit. 484 The contrary condition, where the resultant resistance acts abaft the resultant wind pressure, and makes the head of the ship fall off from the wind, is termed ‘slackness’, and can only be counteracted by keeping the helm a-lee.1922E. L. Attwood Theoret. Naval Archit. (ed. 8) xi. 380 If the centre of effort is forward of the C.L.R. the bow of the ship tends to fall off from the wind (which is termed ‘slackness’).

