
单词 chabasite
释义 chabazite, chabasite Min.|ˈkæbəzaɪt|
Also chabasie, -zie.
[A blundered name, which ought to be Chalazite; cited by Dana as first used, in form chabazie, by Bosc d'Antic, Journ. d'Hist. N. 1780, II. 181; formed on *χαβάζιε, an erroneous spelling which stood in the text of the Greek treatise λιθικά or Περὶ λίθων (of the pseudo-Orpheus a 400), up to the publication of the ed. of Tyrwhitt in 1781. The actual Gr. word is χαλάζιε, vocative of χαλάζιος, which also occurs elsewhere in the forms χαλαζίας, χαλαζίτης λίθος, in Latin chalāzius lapis, and chalāzias (Pliny); the meaning being ‘hail-stone’, f. Gr. χάλαζα hail; so called from its form and colour (Pliny). The erroneous form disappeared a hundred years ago from Gr. lexicons and editions, but has been retained in the vocabulary of the mineralogists.]
A colourless, or flesh-coloured, mineral occurring, widely distributed, in glassy rhombohedral, almost cubic crystals, composed chiefly of silica, alumina and lime.
1804Edin. Rev. III. 311 The chabasie [corresponds] to the Zeolytes called cubic.1814Allan Min. Nomen. Chabasie. Cubic zeolite.1822Cleaveland Min. 392 Crystals of chabazie are sometimes attached to the interior of geodes of agate.1843Portlock Geol. 219 Chabazite..extending throughout all the basaltic area.1850Dana Geol. ix. 513 Chabazite occurs in the hills..in small unmodified rhombohedrons.1869Phillips Vesuv. xi. 305 The beautiful natrolites and chabasites, which occupy cavities in basalt at the Giant's Causeway.

