
单词 separe
释义 separe, v. Obs.
Also 5–6 sepayre; 5 pa. pple. sepered.
[a. F. sépare-r (14th c.), ad. L. sēparāre: see separate v. and sever.]
To separate: a. trans. (and refl.)
a1450Knt. de la Tour 181 And therfore, syth that God hath assembled them, no man mortal ouȝt not to separe them.1484Caxton Fables of Auian xiv. (1889) 233 The lyon..maade them to be separed eche one fro other. And whanne they were sepered, the lyon wente, and toke one of them.c1489Blanchardyn xxxv. 131 After dyuerse talkynke..they sepayred hemsylf, & toke leue of eche other.1509Watson Ship of Fools xxiv. (1517) F vij b, Whan that god shall separe the body from the soule.1609Bible (Douay) 3 Esdr. iv. 17 Men cannot be separed from wemen.
b. intr.
c1489Caxton Sonnes of Aymon xix. 441 Lordes, ye doo not well for to separe thus the one from the other.1541Copland Guydon's Quest. Chirurg. D ij, In some places the veynes do separe from the arteres. And the arteres be founde wtout veynes.

