
单词 shag-bag
释义 ˈshag-bag, n. and a. colloq.
[A jingling alteration of shake-bag; cf. shake-bag, shag-rag, shag n.4]
a. n. A shabby or worthless fellow.
b. adj. Shabby and worthless; poor in quality.
a.a1700B. E. Dict. Cant. Crew, Shag-bag, a poor, shabby Fellow.1865W. S. Banks Prov. Words Wakefield 62 Sheg-beg,..a loosely (baggily) and raggedly drest, or worthless man.
b.1888Star 17 Apr. 4/5 A particularly shag-bag field started for this event.1892Ld. Bramwell in Times 10 May 10/1, I was sitting in my chambers when there came a shagbag attorney with a brief.

