
单词 Saxish
释义 ˈSaxish, a. and n. Obs.
In 3 Sax-, Sæx-, Sexisc, Saxiss, -ess.
[OE. Seaxisc, Sęxisc, f. Seaxe Saxons: see -ish. Cf. OFris. sassisk, Du. saksisch, G. sächsisch, ON. saxnesk-r.]
= Saxon a. and n.
O.E. Chron. an. 1009, Brihtric..forwreᵹde Wulfnoð cild þone Suðseaxscian [read -seaxiscan] to þam cyning.c1205Lay. 7111 Seoððen comen Sæxisce [c 1275 Saxisse] men.Ibid. 14143 Ich wulle biliue senden after mine wiue, þat is a Sexisc wimmon.Ibid. 14979 Fortimer spæc Bruttisc & Rouuenne Saxisc [c 1275 Saxisse].Ibid. 29963 Anglisce & Sexisce seouentene þusend mid machen weoren to-heowen.1848Lytton Harold ix. iii. 305, I know well these Saxish men.

