
单词 gorah
释义 gorah, gorrah
Also goura, gowra.
A Hottentot musical instrument (see quot. 1881).
[1786Sparrman Cape G.H. I. 229 This instrument is called a t'Goerra, a name..tolerably expressive of the sound of the instrument.]1790tr. Le Vaillant's Trav. II. 104 The goura is shaped like the bow of a savage Hottentot, it is of the same size.1801J. Barrow Trav. S. Afr. I. 149 This instrument was called the gowra.1822–4W. J. Burchell Trav. I. 458 Their chief was considered a good performer upon the goráh.1834Pringle Afr. Sk. Poem 17 Soothed by the gorrah's humming reed.1842R. Moffat Mission Labours S. Afr. iv. 58 His gorah soothes his solitary hours.1881Noble in Encycl. Brit. XII. 311/1 One [musical instrument] named the ‘gorah’ was formed by stretching a piece of the twisted entrails of a sheep along a thin hollow stick..in the manner of a bow and string. At one end there was a piece of quill fixed into the stick, to which the mouth was applied.1902Jrnl. Anthropol. Inst. XXXII. 156 The goura, a stringed-wind musical instrument of the Bushmen and Hottentots.1905Rep. Brit. Assoc. 529 The goura of the Bushmen..a bow-like instrument having a piece of flattened quill interposed between one end of the string and its attachment to the bow.

