
单词 childbed
释义 childbed|ˈtʃaɪldbɛd|
[f. child n. + bed n. Although instances are wanting, the literal sense 1 c is presumably the original.]
1. The state of a woman in labour; ‘confinement’.
c1200Trin. Coll. Hom. 47 On þre þinges. Þat on is child⁓bed, and þat oðer chirchgang, and þe þridde þe offring.1297R. Glouc. (1724) 379 ‘Þe kyng’, he seyde, ‘of Engelond..lyþ myd hys gret wombe at Reyns a chyld bedde.’c1440Gesta Rom. 237 She browte forthe a faire sone; but she dide in hir childebed.1483Cath. Angl. 63 To ly in chilbed, decubere.c1530Ld. Berners Arth. Lyt. Bryt. (1814) 45 That Fenyce, hys quene, should lye a chyld⁓bedde at the Port Noyre.1654Trapp Comm. Job xli. 30 As for pillows, they said they were fit only for women in child⁓bed.1834Macaulay Pitt, Ess. (1854) I. 304/1 Queens run far greater risk in childbed than private women.
b. with pl. Obs.
1626T. H. Caussin's Holy Crt. 165 All her child-beddes are false conceptions, and her productions, abortions.
c. The bed in which a child is born. Also fig.
1594Southwell M. Magd. Fun. Teares 115 The nest where sinne was first hatched, may bee now the child-bed of grace and mercie.1616Chapman Homer's Hymns 38 Her childbed made the mountain Cynthian.
2. The womb. (Also child's-bed.) Obs. exc. dial. Cf. bairn's-bed s.v. bairn.
1535Coverdale 2 Esdr. iv. 40 Yf hir childeszbed maye kepe y⊇ byrth eny longer within her.1863Atkinson Provinc. Danby, Childbed, the matrix or womb.
3. attrib. (in sense 1.)
1580Hollyband Treas. Fr. Tong, Vne Accouchée & gisante, a childebed wife.1611Shakes. Wint. T. iii. ii. 104 The Child-bed priuiledge deny'd, which longs To Women of all fashion.1710T. Fuller Pharm. Extemp. 130 An wholesome Medicine for Child-bed Women.1716Lond. Gaz. No. 5425/10 A Large Trunk containing Child-bed Linnen.1836–9Dickens Sk. Boz vi, The great points about the Childbed-linen Monthly Loan Society.

