
单词 significative
释义 significative, a. and n.|sɪgˈnɪfɪkətɪv|
Also 5 significatyf, 6 -tyue, 6–7 -tiue, 7 -tyve.
[a. OF. significatif, -ive, or ad. late L. significātīv-us: see signify v. and -ative.]
A. adj.
1. Serving to signify something; having a signification or meaning.
a1400in Halliw. Rara Mathem. (1841) 29 A cifre tokeneth nothinge but he maketh other the more significatyf that comith after hym.c1425Crafte Nombrynge (1897) 13 Þou most borow on of þe next figure significatyf in þat rewe.1541Coverdale Old Faith x. (1547) H j b, Wherby Christ testified..that all thinges significatyue in the tabernacle..were now fulfilled and abrogate.1589Puttenham Eng. Poesie iii. iv. (Arb.) 159 Which surplussage to auoide, we are allowed to draw in other words single, and asmuch significatiue.1607Schol. Disc. agst. Antichr. i. i. 32 You shall finde the Crosses of the Lordes Supper to be significatiue alone.1639F. Robartes God's House & Service x. 81 It must be taken in that significative sence, which we give thereof.a1734North Lives (1826) I. 33 To say truth, barbarous as it [law French] is thought to be, it is concise, aptly abbreviated, and significative.1756J. Witherspoon Treat. Regeneration (1804) 146 Multitudes cannot be described in juster or more significative terms.1816Kirby & Sp. Entomol. xvii. (1818) II. 65 It does not appear that, like the bees, they emit any significative sounds.1861Max Müller Sci. Lang. Ser. i. (1864) 338 In these sesquipedalian compounds the significative root remains distinct.
b. Serving as a sign or indication of something.
1637–50in Row Hist. Kirk (Wodrow Soc.) 264, I have receaved your short but right significative letter of your sound and ardent affection..toward the cause.1651Hobbes Leviath. ii. xxxi. 192 Those Attributes are to be held significative of Honour, that men intend shall so be.1664H. More Myst. Iniq. 240 So plain is it that an Hail-storm is significative of the incursion and assault of an enemie.1713Guardian No. 170, The use of letters, as significative of these sounds.1859Ruskin Two Paths v. §164 Your close⁓set wooden paling..is significative of pleasant parks.1875Good Words ii. 130 On various minds it [Niagara] leaves various impressions; and perhaps this is significative of its real power.
2. Highly significant or suggestive.
1677Marvell Corr. Wks. (Grosart) II. 540 After this weighty and significative message, the Secretary added [etc].1678R. Barclay Apol. Quakers v. §20. 157 A familiar Example, yet very significative in this case.1855Motley Dutch Rep. II. 122 On the night of the 8th September, Egmont received another most significative and mysterious warning.1860Ruskin Mod. Paint. V. ix. xi. §31 How strangely significative, thus understood, those last Venetian dreams of his become.
B. n. A thing or word serving to signify or indicate something.
1641‘Smectymnuus’ Vind. Answ. ii. 36 The Surplice is a significative of divine alacritie and integritie.1765in Ann. Reg., Charact. (1767) 135 Attacah, Deliverance, Pihahiroth, whether an appellative or significative.1788tr. Swedenborg's White Horse 16 Scarce any one knows..that those Significatives were derived from the Ancient Representative Churches to the Gentiles.1893N.Y. New-Church Messenger 19 Apr. 243 Our entire written language is a system of significatives pure and simple.
Hence sigˈnificativeness.
1665J. Sergeant Sure Footing 31 You hold that any particular Text you alledge is truly a part of the Scriptures Letter, and not foisted in, or some way altered in its significativeness.1697Solid Philos. 276 From the Nature of the Words, as Words; that is, from their Significativeness.1860Worcester (citing Westm. Rev.).

