
单词 silver-work
释义 silver-work
[silver n. Cf. MDu. silver-, sulverwerc (Du. zilverwerk), MLG. sulverwerk, -wark, MHG. and G. silberwerk.]
1. Articles made of silver; silver vessels or ornaments; silverware. Also pl.
1535Coverdale Isaiah xxx. 22 Yf ye destroye the syluer workes of youre Idols.1538Acc. Ld. High Treas. Scot. VII. 87 All furnist chaip and ruvell witht silver werk.1648Hexham ii. s.v. Zilver-werck, Plate or Silver-worke to serve at a table.1753Chambers' Cycl. Suppl. s.v. Silver, Silver works, as spurs, wrought hilts, &c. are boiled in salt, alum and argol, to give it a whiteness and clearness.1820Scott Monast. xvi, Every bit of..silver work have we been spoiled of since Pinkie Cleuch.1899Daily News 16 May 8/4 The artificer may be seen at work in the room in which Messrs. Liberty show the silverwork.
2. A place where silver is smelted.
1674Ray Collect. Wds., Smelting Silver 119 The History of these Silver-works may be seen in Dr. Fullers Worthies of Wales, General, p. 3.

