
单词 simply
释义 simply, adv.|ˈsɪmplɪ|
Forms: α. 3–4 simpleliche (4 -lyche), 5 semplelyche; 4 sympel-, 4–5 sympliliche; 3 simpliche, 4 symplich(e. β. 4–5 symplely (6 -lily), 4–6 simplely (4 -li), 7 simplyly; 4–5 sympylly, -illy (6 Sc. -illie), 5 -el(l)y, 5–6 simpely (6 Sc. -illie); 4–6 symply (6 -li), 6–7 simplie, 6– simply.
[f. simple a. + -ly2, with later contraction as in gently, nobly. Cf. MDu. sem-, simpelike (Du. simpellijk).]
1. With simplicity (of mind) or sincerity; in an honest or straightforward manner; also, in later use, unaffectedly, artlessly.
1297R. Glouc. (Rolls) 2663 Þo hii come In eiþer side to Ambresbury..& þe brutons al simpleliche In god pays hii vnderstode.1340Ayenb. 134 He him lefþ simpleliche of al þet he zayþ, ase deþ þe litel child his mayster.1382Wyclif Prov. ii. 7 He shal kepen the helthe of riȝt men, and defende the goende symplely.c1440Jacob's Well 181 Ne telle noȝt in þi schryfte flateryng iapys..; but symplely late þin herte & þi tunge acorde in one.c1450Merlin x. 140 The kynge he receyved [their homage] with gode herte and sympilliche with wepynge.1603Sir R. Weston in Lismore Papers Ser. ii. (1887) I. 80, I..protest that att my deliuery of his obligacon I delt singlyly and simplyly with you.1667Milton P.L. xii. 569 By things deemd weak Subverting worldly strong, and worldly wise By simply meek.1770Goldsm. Des. Vill. 25 The dancing pair that simply sought renown, By holding out, to tire each other down.1867Ruskin Time & Tide v. §24 She did it beautifully and simply, as a child ought to dance.1867Freeman in W. R. W. Stephens Life (1895) I. 382, I was rather amused at Huxley asking me very simply whether I had read Thierry.
2. a. In a plain, homely, or frugal manner.
1375Barbour Bruce i. 331 Sone to Paryss can he ga, And levyt thar full sympylly.1395Purvey Remonstr. (1851) 94 Freris owen to lyue sympliere and streitliere than othere religiouse.c1450St. Cuthbert (Surtees) 7654 Þare in hungir and calde full pure Þai leuyd, and sympely þai fure.
b. Humbly in respect of dress or surroundings.
c1400Love Bonavent. Mirr. (1908) 56 Suche a litell childe so sympilly clothed.1568Grafton Chron. II. 255 She went as simply as she might, to thentent that the king should not phansie her.1570Foxe A. & M. 2075/2 As he was but a Deacon, so was hee but simply or at least not priestly apparelled.1596Drayton Legends iv. 42 Whose meanest Cottage simply Me did shrowd.
3. a. In simple language, with simplicity of speech, with no attempt at style; also, so as to be readily understood, plainly, clearly.
c1380Wyclif Sel. Wks. (1880) 46, I in fewe wordis & sympliche maade to write it.c1384Chaucer H. Fame 854 Haue y not preved thus symply, With-outen any subtilite Of speche?c1400Pilgr. Sowle (Caxton, 1483) ii. xli. 46 Somwhat as I can sympelly reporten I shall it now rehercen.1474Caxton Chesse ii. v. (1883) 64 Whan he speketh to hem swetly and conuerseth with hem symply.a1591H. Smith Serm. (1637) 143 To preach simply, is not to preach rudely, nor unlearnedly, nor confusedly, but to preach plainly.1638Sir T. Herbert Trav. (ed. 2) 12 As if a stupid sense made her carelesse of danger, which to sympathize I have as simply for your sport depicted.1648Hexham ii, Slechtelick seggen, to speake Simply, or in Briefe.
b. Logic. In the simple mode of conversion applicable to propositions; opp. per accidens s.v. per prep. 1 b. Cf. conversion 4.
1599T. Blundeville Art of Logike iii. 69 They say that the disiunct being like to an absolute or simple Proposition, may be converted both simplie and per accidens.1677T. Good Brief Eng. Tract of Logick 31 That is S. denotes the Proposition designed by the preceeding vowel, to be converted simply.1864Bowen Logic vii. 202 That it is to be converted simply.1884J. N. Keynes Formal Logic ii. iii. 74 This, being an E proposition, may be converted simply, giving, No one deserving of the fair is not brave.1955A. N. Prior Formal Logic ii. i. 109 Oba and Oab do not convert either per accidens or simply.
c. Without unnecessary elaboration or superfluous ornament; plainly and pleasingly.
1746Francis tr. Horace, Art Poet. 293 Few were its [the flute's] notes, its form was simply plain.1816J. Scott Vis. Paris (ed. 5) 61 This is a fine massive piece of architecture, simply grand.1850Beck's Florist Apr. 101 We found the gardens..very pretty, simply laid out, and well kept up.
Comb.1821Scott Kenilw. v, A simply-attired pretty maiden.
d. Without complication or intricacy.
1867Spencer First Princ. (ed. 2) §108. 308 Evolution..is illustrated most simply and clearly by this [etc.].1874Lowell Agassiz i. 144 A mortal..taking life as simply as a tree!
4. Poorly, badly, indifferently; meanly, inadequately; weakly, feebly. Obs.
1375Barbour Bruce xvii. 134 Quhan thai the baner saw sympilly Swa standand, stuffit with sa quhoyn.1387Trevisa Higden (Rolls) VI. 355 He kouþe his gramer but sympilliche, for þat tyme was nouȝt oon techer of gramer in al his kyngdom.Ibid. VIII. 59 He..restored sympelliche [L. exiliter] þe Chartre Hous at Witham besides Salisbury.1432–50tr. Higden (Rolls) III. 85 This Anchus Marcius..made hym tutor of his childere, but this Tarquinius remembrede that luffe symplely [L. male].1465Paston Lett. II. 207 In good feyth I have ben symply intretid among them.1489Caxton Faytes of A. ii. v. 99 Other that he knewe sholde doo lytel good and that were symply armed.1523Ld. Berners Froiss. I. lxxxix. 112 The Scottes helde but simply the trewse concludedde the yere before.1597Morley Introd. Mus. 182 Being inioyned to make a song [he] wil do it so simplie as one would thinke a scholler of one yeares practise might easelie compose a better.1753–4Richardson Grandison I. xv. 89 Had he once gained entrance, perhaps I might have come off but simply.
5. In a foolish, silly, or stupid manner; without common sense or sagacity; ignorantly. Also simply disposed, of a simple disposition.
1466Paston Lett. II. 263 She hathe demenyd her ful symply bothe for youre worship and also for her awne.1535Coverdale 2 Sam. xv. 11 But they wente on symply, and knewe not of the matter.1601Holland Pliny I. 195 If an elephant chance to meet with a man wandering simply out of his way in the wildernesse.1662–3Pepys Diary 2 Jan., Sir W. Batten was paying off tickets, but so simply and arbitrarily..that I was weary of it.1789Mrs. Piozzi Journ. France I. 362 Omitting, simply enough, to carry a thermometer, one can measure the heat of nothing.1848Thackeray Van. Fair li, People declared that she got money from various simply disposed persons, under pretence of getting them confidential appointments under Government.
6. a. Without addition or qualification.
1398Trevisa Barth. De P.R. xix. cxvi. (1495) 920 One symply is one that may not be departyd in dede though he may be departyd atweyne.a1425tr. Arderne's Treat. Fistula, etc. 25 Eueriche of þise medicynes symply by hymself..stauncheþ wele blode.c1440Gesta Rom. lii. 231 (Harl. MS.), Yf eny thinge be yevin to two simplely, and that on be take or dede, al is in the powr of him or hir that is present.1559Morwyng Evonym. 188 Smellinge waters as we call them simplely.1598Shakes. Merry W. iii. ii. 78 If he take her, let him take her simply: the wealth I haue waits on my consent.1610Healey St. Aug. Citie of God xvi. xxviii. (1620) 569 His body was not simply dead, but respectiuely.1616T. Adams Pract. Wks. (1862) III. 11 Abstractively and simply understood, it is an exceeding excellent member.1695Ld. Preston Boeth. iv. 168 But that they have any Being, purely and simply, I deny.
b. Merely, only. Freq. in phr. simply and solely. Also all simply.
c1400Mandeville (Roxb.) xxxii. 144 Þai..sweres nane athes for nathing, bot symply saise it es or it es noȝt.c1430Pilgr. Lyf Manhode i. xcix. (1869) 53 In the time that j made the scrippe, it sufficed al sympilliche to leeue in god perfytliche.1561J. Daus tr. Bullinger on Apoc. (1573) 134 b, Therfore sayth he not simplely that there shall be no more tyme: but addeth [etc.].1650T. Hobbes De Corpore Pol. 190 Now in those Laws which are simply Laws, the Commandement is addressed to every man.1682Norris Hierocles 57 For the Law does not punish Man simply, as Man, but as Evil.1762Hume Hist. Eng. (1806) IV. lxiv. 768 He ordered that such of the prisoners as should simply promise to obey the laws for the future should be set at liberty.1787Bentham Def. Usury ii. 9 The penal law must depend upon the simply prohibitive.1836J. Gilbert Chr. Atonem. iii. (1852) 66 It is simply a question of degrees.1855Macaulay Hist. Eng. xx. IV. 387 The highest praise due to the royalist..was simply that he was not a traitor.1872C. S. Calverley Fly Leaves 111 All least furlable things got ‘furled’..simply and solely to rhyme with ‘world’.1879McCarthy Own Times II. xix. 53 These men simply followed their judgment and their conscience.1920Act 10 & 11 Geo. V c. 48 Sched. ii. 314 Any loss or damage due simply and solely to the existence of a state of war.1940Daily Tel. 15 Feb. 6/1 What has been done is simply and solely to adjust our domestic legislation to the pressing requirements of a particular occasion.
c. Unconditionally. Obs. rare.
1523Ld. Berners Froiss. I. xxvi. 38 They of the cite wolde nat yelde them vp symply, for alwaies they thought to be rescued.a1548Hall Chron., Hen. VI, 104 The Frenchmen fled into the Castle and there continued five daies, at the ende wherof thei rendered themselfes symply.
d. Without exception; absolutely.
Common in recent use as an intensive.
1590Shakes. Mids. N. iv. ii. 9 Hee hath simply the best wit of any handycraft man in Athens.1600Holland Livy xxix. xxxiv. 735 b, Hee levied..the Numidians especially, the best horsemen simplie in all Affricke.1621Burton Anat. Mel. i. ii. ii. iv, Other Retentions and Evacuations there are, not simply necessary, but at some times.1856Kingsley Lett. (1878) I. 475 Your general political economy is simply undeniable.1888Stokes Celtic Ch. 176 The plates are simply magnificent.1893Earl Dunmore Pamirs I. 247 The spot where we camped was simply too lovely for words.
7. Math. simply connected: (of a surface or other continuous set of points) connected in such a way that every closed curve lying within it forms the boundary of some surface lying within it.
1893A. R. Forsyth Theory of Functions xiv. 316 A simply connected surface is resolved by n cross-cuts into n + 1 distinct pieces, each simply connected [etc.].1939M. H. A. Newman Elem. Topology Plane Sets of Points vi. 135 The complement of a simply connected domain in the open plane may have any number of components.1976Physics Bull. Sept. 388/2 The torus is not simply connected but is otherwise a uniformly structured 2-manifold.

