
单词 rowan-tree
释义 rowan-tree north. and Sc.
Forms: α. 6–9 roun-; 6, 8 rown-; 8 rowen-; 8– rowan-. β. 7– roan-, 8 roane-, 9 royn(e-. γ. 7, 9 rauntree; 9 rauntry; 8–9 rantree, rantry; 9 ranter, rantle.
[See rowan1.]
1. The mountain ash, Pyrus Aucuparia.
α1548Turner Names Herbes (E.D.S.) 75 The seconde kynde [of sorbus] is called..in Englishe a rountree or a Quicken tree.1597Jas. I Dæmonol. i. iv. 12 Such kinde of Charmes as commonlie daft wiues vses, for healing of forspoken goodes,..by knitting roun-trees..to the haire or tailes of the goodes.1615W. Lawson Orch. & Gard. (1623) 13 Ashes, Rountrees, Burt-trees, and such like.1788Picken Poems 59 note, Alluding to the vulgar opinion of rountree being efficacious against all sorts of charms.1828Scott F.M. Perth xxvii, Amid extensive forests of oak-wood, hazel, rowan-tree, and larches.1842Proc. Berw. Nat. Club II. x. 7 The rowan-tree assumed a taller habit.1895Crockett Love Idylls (1901) 172 The rowan tree which used to grow from a cleft to the right.
β1671Skinner Etymol. Bot., Roan-tree, Sorbus sylvestris Alpina.1762Bp. Forbes Jrnl. (1886) 164 You can see Ash, Oak, Birch, Roan-tree.1791W. Gilpin Forest Scenery I. 37 The mountain-ash, often called the roan tree, should be mentioned.1814Huddleston Toland's Hist. Druids 283 Roan tree and red thread, Put the witches to their speed.1828Carr Craven Gloss. s.v., Pointing, it may be supposed, at the royn-tree in her hand.1859W. S. Coleman Woodlands (1866) 57 From very early times, the Roan Tree enjoyed a wide reputation..for the inherent magical powers attributed to it.
γa1694Sir A. Balfour Lett. (1700) 31 A kind of Fruit tree called Cormes, not much unlike our Raun-tree.1801Hogg Scot. Pastorals 26 Mark yon rauntree spreading wide.1811Willan Yorks. W. Riding, Rantry.1822W. Irving Braceb. Hall II. 165 A branch of rauntry or mountain-ash.1853Jamie Emigrants Family 40 (E.D.D.), Though they had used the rantree's branch.
2. attrib. with berry, branch, cross, etc.
α1722Nisbet Heraldry 372 Three Rowentree Branches sliped proper.c1770Laidley Worm in Evans Old Ball. (1784) III. 175 Crying, that witches have no power Where there is rown-tree wood.1820Scott Abbot xxvii, A rowan⁓tree switch for a whip.1821Kenilw. i, The Eldorado, where..country-wenches thread rubies for necklaces, instead of rowan-tree berries.1832Carlyle in Froude (1882) II. 278 The ‘rowan-tree gate’ and all gates but the outer one are removed.
β1825Miss Kent Sylvan Sk. 251 A roan-tree cross, which he bears in the left hand.
γ1768Ross Helenore i. 6 The jizzen-bed wi' rantree leaves was sain'd.1768Rock & Wee Pickle Tow, I'll gar my ain Tammie..cut me a rock..Of good rantry-tree for to carry my tow.1884D. Grant Lays & Leg. North 103 A rantree stick Was quickly cut fae coppice thick.

