
单词 Druze
释义 Druse2, Druze, n. (a.)|druːz|
[ad. Arab. Durūz, a form of plural used for names of nations: see note below.]
One of a political and religious sect of Muslim origin, inhabiting the region round Mount Lebanon.
Believed to derive their name from Ismail al-Darazi (i.e. the tailor), who, in a.d. 1040, supported the claims of the 6th Fatimite Caliph, Hakim Biamrillahi, to be a divine incarnation, and introduced this belief to the Lebanon.
1786tr. Ruffin (title) A historical Memoir concerning the Drusis, a people inhabiting Mount Lebanon; a Catechism [etc.], translated from Drusean MSS.1798W. Sotheby tr. Wieland's Oberon (1826) I. 125 Sithence our Drusi prince is loathsome grown.1837Penny Cycl. IX. 160/1 The emir of the Druses is tributary to the pachalik of Acre, on condition that no Turk shall reside within his territories.1895W. Wright Palmyra & Zenobia xxv. 298 The thick stumpy Druze women.
Hence ˈDrusedom, the system of the Druses. Also ˈDrusian, -ean, n. (obs.) and a.
1601R. Johnson Kingd. & Commw. (1603) 553 Sydon, now the strong receptacle of the stiffe-necked Drusians.1613Purchas Pilgrimage (1614) 87 A Drusian Lord, kept himselfe out of his hands.1786[see above].1877Encycl. Brit. VII. 484/1 The full exposition of the Drusian creed..would require a volume of considerable size.1890Blackw. Mag. CXLVIII. 750/2 A convert from Drusedom.Ibid. 762/2 The dogmas of esoteric Drusedom.

