
单词 dysentery
释义 dysentery|ˈdɪsɛntərɪ|
Also 4–7 diss-, (dyss-), 6–7 dis-, (7 disc-); 4–8 -erie. β. (in L. form) 4–7 dissenteria, (4 -aria), 6–7 dis-, dysenteria.
[a. OF. dissenterie (13th c. dissintere), ad. L. dysenteria (Pliny, etc.), a. Gr. δυσεντερία, f. δυσέντερος afflicted in the bowels, f. δυσ- (dys-) + ἔντερα bowels.]
A disease characterized by inflammation of the mucous membrane and glands of the large intestine, accompanied with griping pains, and mucous and bloody evacuations.
1382Wyclif Acts xxviii. 8 The fadir of Puplius..trauelid with feueres and dissenterie or flix.1447O. Bokenham Seyntys (Roxb.) 259 That dyssentyrye of comon usage The reed flyx ys clepyd in oure langwage.1547Boorde Brev. Health cvi. 40 The disentery or exulceracion of the guttes.1601Holland Pliny xxviii. ix. (R.), For the dysenterie or bloudie flix.1649Thomasson Tracts (Br. Mus.) CCCCXLII. vi. 51 Other necessities encreased the discentery in our leaguer.1708Swift Predict. for 1708 Wks. 1755 II. i. 153 On the 20th cardinal Portocarero will die of a dysentery.1767T. Hutchinson Hist. Mass. II. iv. 419 Many of our men had..fallen into dysenteries.1781Gibbon Decl. & F. II. xli. 544 The dysentery swept away one-third of their army.1869E. A. Parkes Pract. Hygiene (ed. 3) 69 Dysentery also is decidedly produced by impure water.
attrib.1822–34Good Study Med. (ed. 4) I. 265 Rolander, who, like Linnæus, ascribed dysentery to the dysentery-tick, or acarus dysenteriæ.
b. A disease of bees.
1816Kirby & Sp. Entomol. (1828) I. iv. 90. 1846 J. Baxter Libr. Pract. Agric. (ed. 4) I. 97 The chief diseases of bees..are dysentery or looseness, torpor, falling in flight from vertigo or giddiness, and vermin.

