
单词 veteran
释义 veteran, n. and a.|ˈvɛtərən|
Also 6–7 veterane, 7 -ant, veterean.
[a. older F. veteran (F. vétéran, = It., Sp., Pg. veterano), or ad. L. veterān-us, f. veter-, vetus old.]
A. n.
1. a. One who has had long experience in military service; an old soldier.
1509Hawes Past. Pleas. xxvii. (Percy Soc.) 132 The sturdy knight well named Fortitude, With the noble veterane syr Consuetude.1681tr. Willis' Rem. Med. Wks. Vocab., Veterans, old soldiers.1700J. A. Astry tr. Saavedra-Faxardo II. 248 Even Veterans, who had never kept Guard.1758Johnson Idler No. 8 ⁋9 A sound that will force the bravest veteran to drop his weapon, and desert his rank.1769Junius Lett. xxxiv. (1788) 170 Military governments, which were intended for the support of worn-out veterans.1814Scott Ld. of Isles iv. xix, Veterans of early fields were there, Whose helmets press'd their hoary hair.1843Prescott Mexico iii. ix. (1864) 190 Then came the Spanish infantry, who in a summer's campaign had acquired the discipline and the weather-beaten aspect of veterans.1882Rhys Celtic Brit. iii. 80 Ostorius establishes a strong colony of veterans at Camulodunon.
b. Any ex-serviceman. Chiefly N. Amer.
Not always distinguishable from sense 1 a.
1798W. Dunlap André p. iv, The Author has gone near to offend the veterans of the American army who were present on the first night.1838Southern Lit. Messenger IV. 796 When the revolutionary pension-law was enacted, a majority of the war-worn veterans had travelled..beyond the reach of human reward.1912I. S. Cobb Back Home 38 Saturday..was also Veterans' Day, when the old soldiers were the guests of honor of the management.1931U.S. Laws & Statutes XLVI. i. 1016 The President is authorized..to consolidate and coordinate any hospitals and executive and administrative bureaus..into an establishment to be known as the Veterans' Administration.1946Sun (Baltimore) 7 Oct. 2/5 The War Assets Administration ordered its surplus building materials pushed into the veterans housing program within 60 days.1954Birmingham (Alabama) News 11 Nov. 41/1 The Sheppard murder trial jury took a Veterans Day holiday today.1974C. Ryan Bridge too Far iv. x. 348 ‘It was the heaviest volume of fire I ever encountered,’ recalls Sergeant Spencer Wurst, a 19-year-old veteran who had been with the 82nd since North Africa.1979G. F. Newman List viii. 67 He was planning for Veteran's Day weekend. November 11 fell on a Monday this year.1982Times 13 Dec. 3/6 (heading) Falklands veteran killed at 22.
2. One who has seen long service in any office or position; an experienced or aged person.
1597Hooker Eccl. Pol. v. xlii. §5 The Arrians for the credit of their faction take the eldest, the best experienced, the most wary and the longest practised Veterans they had amongst them.1722Wollaston Relig. Nat. ii. 34 A sturdy veteran in roguery.1782F. Burney Cecilia ii. ii. 152 The servants were all veterans, gorgeous in their liveries.1857Dickens Dorrit ii. vi, Miss Fanny..said the usual nothings with the skill of a veteran.
transf.1774Goldsm. Nat. Hist. (1776) III. 22 The new backely [South African ox] is then joined with one of the veterans of his own kind, from whom he learns his art.1837Whewell Hist. Induct. Sci. I. 422 Sending into the field a reserve of new physical reasonings on the rout and dispersion of the veterans.
Comb.1850R. G. Cumming Hunter's Life S. Afr. (1902) 95/1 Several of the adjacent veteran-looking trees.
3. A veteran car.
1965Guardian 6 Nov. 3/8 A ‘Veteran’ is any car made before December 31, 1904.1968[see Edwardian a. 3].
B. adj.
1. Of soldiers: Having much experience in warfare or military matters; long practised or exercised in war.
1611Speed Hist. Gt. Brit. ix. xvi. 2 Veterant Souldiers, most of which were of skill sufficient to be Commanders themselues.1652Earl of Monmouth tr. Bentivoglio's Hist. Relat. 170 The Veteran Souldiery of the United Provinces.1686tr. Chardin's Trav. Persia 55 The veterane Janizaries were all either slain or dead.1759in 10th Rep. Hist. MSS. Comm. App. I. 316 So much has the present War drain'd them of their Veteran Troops.1781Gibbon Decl. & F. xviii. (1787) II. 121 The loss of a veteran army, sufficient to defend the frontiers.1829Scott Anne of G. xxxiii, Here report said, that Adrian de Bubenberg, a veteran knight of Berne, commanded.1849Macaulay Hist. Eng. iv. I. 460 His professional skill commanded the respect of veteran officers.1870Emerson Soc. & Solit., Courage Wks. (Bohn) III. 108 It is the veteran soldier, who, seeing the flash of the cannon, can step aside from the path of the ball.
2. Of persons in general: Grown old in service; experienced by long usage or practice.
1728Chambers Cycl. s.v., A Veteran Counsellor has a Voice and Seat at Audiences.1789Belsham Ess. II. xl. 502 Did it never occur to this veteran politician that there are degrees of misconduct?1824Dibdin Libr. Comp. 528 The veteran English author was not slow to reply.1849Macaulay Hist. Eng. ii. I. 255 Godolphin had..early acquired all the flexibility and the self-possession of a veteran courtier.1883B. Smith Life Ld. Lawrence II. xxviii. 532 The veteran Viceroy walked round to the sacred spot.
transf.1847Stoddart Angler's Comp. 250 Give me..the rush of some veteran water-monarch, or the gambol..of a plump new-run grilse.
3. a. Of things: Old; long-continued. rare.
1653Gauden Hierasp. 44 Our old bottels and veterane Wines..are sound, sweet, well-refined, and full of spirits.1710Prideaux Orig. Tithes iv. 208 The payment of Tithes was grown to be a Veteran and thorough settled Constitution of this Kingdom.1832Longfellow Coplas de Manrique lxvi, By great And veteran service to the state,..He stood..The proudest knight of chivalry.
b. Applied to cars made before a certain stipulated date (normally a vehicle not less than fifty years old). Also transf. (often coupled with vintage).
1933A. G. Macdonell England, their England xiii. 222 A three-mile clatter in the veteran car—‘never can get the new car,’ explained Mr. Fielding.1958M. Kelly Christmas Egg iii. 107 An apartment..was devoted to the needs of those who..wished to play vintage and veteran records.1959Listener 29 Jan. 201/2 A veteran car is generally considered to be a pre-1917 model though a few extremely exclusive owners recognise only pre-1905 cars as qualifying for the title.1961J. Sheldon (title) Veteran and vintage motor cycles.1965L. Hunt (title) Veteran and vintage aircraft.1980Times 1 Nov. 14/2 Nineteen-thirty had seen the foundation of the Veteran Car Club of Great Britain.
Hence ˈveterancy, the state or condition of being a veteran. ˈveteraness, a female veteran. ˈveteranize v. U.S., (a) trans. to render a veteran; (b) intr. to re-enlist as a soldier.
1902Daily Chron. 23 July 5/3 This cricketer..is now, in his *veterancy, both batting and bowling better than ever before.
1880Sat. Rev. 8 May 588 On the platform..many heroines gathered, some of them *veteranesses in this war and others recruits to the cause.
1884A. J. Johnson's Univ. Cycl. (1893) I. 355/2 The proportion was at first a little over three pieces for 1,000 infantry, but as the latter became more *veteranized this was reduced to about two pieces.1891Columbus (Ohio) Dispatch 7 Oct., They were the first to veteranize, and this signified a great deal at that time.

