
单词 indiligent
释义 inˈdiligent, a. Obs.
[ad. L. indīligent-em, f. in- (in-3) + dīligent-em attentive, careful; cf. F. indiligent (Montaigne, 16th c.).]
1. Not diligent; idle, slothful.
1633Bp. Hall Hard Texts, N.T. 50 So is the unfaithfull and indiligent man apt to lay the fault upon his Maker.1670Evelyn Corr. 20 Jan., I easily believe his Majestie will neither believe the time long nor me altogether indilligent, if he do not receive this Historie so soone as otherwise he might have expected.
2. Inattentive, heedless, careless.
1549Chaloner Erasm. on Folly P iij a, They are indiligent remembrerers what is written in many places of scripture concerning theyr duties.a1617Bayne On Coloss. i.–ii. (1634) 119 There is such an indiligent carelesnesse that we let them hang in the ayre.1658W. Burton Itin. Anton. 26 As will easily appear to the not indiligent Reader of Beda.1738Warburton Div. Legat. I. 22 The most indiligent observer.
Hence inˈdiligently adv., without diligence.
a1631Donne Serm. c. IV. 309 Let us..not pray, not preach, not hear, slackly..suddenly, unadvisedly, extemporally, occasionally, indiligently.a1656Bp. Hall Rem. Wks., Specialities (1660) 5 After I had spent some years (not altogether indiligently) under the ferule of such Masters.1775E. Harwood Classics Pref. 11 (Jod.), I have not indiligently revised the whole.

