
单词 tormentous
释义 torˈmentous, a. Obs. rare.
[f. L. torment-um torment + -ous: cf. OF. tormentos.]
Of tormenting nature; torturing. Hence torˈmentously adv.
1583T. Stocker Civ. Warres Lowe C. ii. 47 His body being trysed vp into the ayre with a tormentous [printed tormentrous] Engine, they bynd to his feete instruments of Yron.1657Thornley tr. Longus' Daphnis & Chloe 195 Astylus was not to learn that Love was a tormentous fire.1669Address Hopeful Yng. Gentry Eng. 87 Why so tormentously [do they] rend their weary throats?
So torˈmentuous a. [ad. late L. tormentuōsus.]
1597J. Payne Royal Exch. 44 So ys yt a moste bitter and tormentuouse estate to such as love not to gethers.1860Mayne Expos. Lex., Tormentuosus, having or full of racking pains: tormentuous.

