
单词 unhose
释义 unˈhose, v.
[un-2 4. Cf. Flem. (Kilian) onthosen.]
trans. To strip or divest of hose. Also fig. Hence unˈhosing vbl. n.
1483Caxton Gold. Leg. 161 b/2 Peter is as moche to saye as knowynge or unhosyng,..and therfore he was sayd unhosyng for he unhosed and dyd of his wyll fro his feet.c1489Sonnes of Aymon xvi. 371 Whan mawgis had taken all this, he..vnhosed him.c1532G. Du Wes in Palsgr. 942 To unhose, deschausser.1598Florio, Scalciatura, an vnshoing, vnhosing, vnbreeching.1611Cotgr., Deschausser,..to vnhose, or draw off hosen.

