
单词 unordain
释义 I. unorˈdain, a. Obs.—1
[f. un-1 7 + ordeyne ordene a.]
Not observing order or rule. So unorˈdainly adv. Obs.—1
a1400Pauline Ep. (Powell) Rom. i. 31 Þei [being]..vnwise, unordeyne [L. incompositos], withoute affeccioun.a1400Spec. Vitæ (MS. Bodl. 446) fol. 126 b, A man þat wedded es Shuld..no dede vnordeynly wirke Agayne þe sacrament of holy kirke.
II. unorˈdain, v.
(un-2 3.)
c1440Wycliffite Bible (1850) IV. 438 Ne he vnordeynede vs of sum veyn speche feynynge, that vs ouerturne fro the sothfastnesse of the gospel.1709J. Johnson Clergym. Vade M. ii. p. lxxi, Tho' Bishops ordain, they cannot unordain.

