
单词 dismantle
释义 dismantle, v.|dɪsˈmænt(ə)l|
[ad. obs. F. desmanteller ‘to take a mans cloake off his backe; also, to dismantle, raze, or beat downe the walls of a fortresse’ (Cotgr. 1611), mod.F. démanteler, f. des- dis- 4 + manteler to cloak, mantle.]
1. trans. To divest of a mantle or cloak; to uncloak. lit. and fig. Also
b. intr. (for refl.) Obs.
1605Bacon Adv. Learn. ii. xxiii. §32 He must take heed he shew not himselfe dismantelled and exposed to scorne and iniury.1611Shakes. Wint. T. iv. iv. 666 Muffle your face, Dis-mantle you, and..disliken The truth of your own seeming.1623Cockeram, Dismantle, to vncloath one.1691Norris Pract. Disc. 57 When the warm influence of a like-perswaded Princes Favour, invites him to come abroad and dismantle his Secrecies.
b.1638Sir T. Herbert Trav. (ed. 2) 33 A delicious streame..refreshes the fields, forcing Flora to dismantle.
2. To divest or strip of (any clothing, covering, protection, or the like).
1602Shakes. Ham. ii. ii. 293 This Realme dismantled was of Ioue himselfe.1654H. L'Estrange Chas. I (1655) 55 Authority, whereof if Soveraignty be once dismantled, once stript, she is soon trampled upon.1674N. Cox Gentl. Recreat. ii. (1677) 166 Pluming, is after the Hawk hath seized her Prey, and dismantles it of the Feathers.1784Cowper Task vi. 178 All this uniform uncoloured scene Shall be dismantled of its fleecy load.1821Combe Wife iii. 161 The chin dismantled of its beard.1879F. T. Pollok Sport Brit. Burmah II. 73 Houses..dismantled of their roofs.
3. To strip off or remove (that which covers).
1605Shakes. Lear i. i. 220 To dismantle So many folds of fauour.1647Ward Simp. Cobler (1843) 26 Such exotic garbes, as..dismantles their native lustre.
4. To strip (any thing) of the necessary equipment, furniture, or apparatus, to unfurnish; esp. to strip (a fortress) of its defences and equipments; to strip (a vessel) of its sails, rigging, etc., to unrig.
1601Holland Pliny I. 136 The Persians caused this Hypparenum to be dismantled.1639Fuller Holy War iii. iv. (1647) 114 Saladine..dismantled all his cities in the Holy land.1772Ann. Reg. 237/2 The Favorite frigate shall be dismantled, by putting her rudder on shore.1778Eng. Gazetteer (ed. 2) s.v. Leicester, Before the castle was dismantled, it was a prodigious building.1794Sullivan View Nat. II. 198 When Greece was dismantled by the Romans.1843Prescott Mexico (1850) I. 226 One of those tempests..fell with terrible force on the little navy..dismantling some of the ships.1891T. W. Reid Life Ld. Houghton I. x. 449 Engaged..in dismantling the rooms..which had been for so many years his home in London.
fig.1792W. Roberts Looker-on (1794) I. 431. No. 30 Calculated..to dismantle the mind and scatter its materials of knowledge.
5. To render (fortifications, or the like) useless for their purpose; to pull down, take to pieces, destroy, raze.
1579Fenton Guicciard. iv. 153 The Florentins..bound them selues..to dismantle euen to the earth, the bastillion which had so much molested the Siennoys.1581Mulcaster Positions vi. (1887) 42 Vntill such time, as nature shall dismantle, and pull it [the body] downe her selfe.1653H. Cogan tr. Pinto's Trav. xxxviii. 153 Causing all the walls of it to be dismantelled, he razed the place quite to the ground.1672T. Comber Comp. Temple i. §3 (R.) Sin..defaceth its beauty, dismantles its strength, and brings down its highest and noblest faculties.1853Sir H. Douglas Milit. Bridges (ed. 3) 371 The gun was dismounted..the carriage dismantled and conveyed piecemeal to the opposite shore.
Hence disˈmantling vbl. n.; disˈmantler, one who dismantles or strips.
1611Cotgr., Desmantellement, a dismantling.1649Milton Eikon. xxi. Wks. (1847) 323/1 For the dismantling of his letters he wishes ‘they may be covered with the cloak of confusion’.1747Gould Eng. Ants 77 The dismantling of the Nymphs is also an additional Task in reference to the Workers.1758Monthly Rev. 534 The dismantlers of our woods and groves.1889Athenæum 2 Nov. 596/2 The utterly wanton dismantling of the Guesten Hall [at Worcester].

