
单词 dough-baked
释义 ˈdough-baked, ppl. a. Now dial.
[f. as prec.]
Imperfectly baked, so as to remain doughy.
1611Cotgr., Pasteux..doughie; clammie as bread which is dough-baked.1630J. Taylor (Water P.) Wit & Mirth Wks. ii. 192/1 One of the Schollers complayned vnto him that the bread were dogh-baked: Why quoth hee, so it should bee; what else is the definition of bread but dough baked?1642Fuller Holy & Prof. St. iii. xx. 205 In that oven wherein dow-baked cakes shall be burnt.
b. transf. and fig. Imperfect, badly finished; deficient, esp. in intellect or sense; feeble, ‘soft’.
1592Lyly Midas ii. ii. 22 A reason dow-baked.a1613Overbury A Wife (1638) 64 A very woman is a dow-bak't man.1623T. Scot Highw. God 80 A deade luke-warme indifferencie, a dow-baked zeale.1754Richardson Grandison (ed. 7) I. 84 Your milksops, your dough-baked lovers.1809–10Coleridge Friend (1865) 216 These dough-baked patriots are not however useless.

