
单词 kinetosome
释义 kinetosome Biol.|kaɪˈniːtəʊsəʊm|
[f. kineto- + -some4.]
A cytoplasmic structure which forms the base of a cilium or flagellum.
1912C. E. Allen in Archiv für Zellforschung VIII. 134 It seems plain..that the plates and the groups of smaller bodies—which will be referred to as kinetosomes—are mutually equivalent.1934L. W. Sharp Introd. Cytol. (ed. 3) xiv. 203 The granules and plates in the earlier spermatogenous cells [of bryophytes] were called ‘kinetosomes’ and ‘kinoplasmic plates’ by Allen (1912).1949Growth XIII. Suppl. 61 In all animals or plants, as well as in flagellates or ciliates, at the basis of each flagellum or cilium, a spherical corpuscle is to be seen: the kinetosome.1960L. Picken Organization of Cells vii. 273 In molluscan, amphibian, and ciliate kinetosomes, but not in those in mammalian ciliated tissues, there is a prolongation of the kinetosome base as a single or double, striated fibre.Ibid., In the ciliates, kinetosomes appear to generate not only cilia but (and alternatively, only) trichocysts and a variety of types of fibril.1961Mackinnon & Hawes Introd. Study Protozoa ii. 71 Asexual reproduction is universal [among the Mastigophora]... The basal granule (blepharoplast or kinetosome) of the flagellum divides, and it frequently acts as a centriole.1974Brown & Bertke Textbk. Cytol. (ed. 2) xiii. 273/2 At the base of the shaft of a cilium or flagellum but within the cell itself is the basal body... This structure is called the kinetosome by protozoologists or the blepharoplast by some phycologists.
Hence kinetoˈsomal a.
1949Growth XIII. Suppl. 77 (heading) Genetic continuity of kineties. Organization of kinetosomal populations.1953Biol. Bull. CIV. 418 The kinetodesmal bundles lie to one side of the kinetosomes and..the individual fibrils curve laterally from their kinetosomal origins to join the main bundle.

