
单词 open-headed
释义 ˈopen-ˈheaded, a. and adv. Obs.
[Parasynthetic f. open-head: see open a. 22 b.]
With head uncovered, bare-headed.
c1386Chaucer Wife's Prol. 645 Open-heueded [so Hengwrt MS.; Corp. openhede, Harl. open heedid] he hir say Lokynge out at his dore vpon a day.14..Siege Jerus. (E.E.T.S.) 19/346 Y bidde hem be boun,..To morow or vndren open-heded alle, Vp her ȝates to ȝelde, with ȝerdes an hande.1480Caxton Chron. Eng. lxxvi. 61 Ladyes open heded come byfore kyng Arthur and cryed hym mercy.

