
单词 magnetism
释义 magnetism|ˈmægnɪtɪz(ə)m|
[ad. mod.L. magnētismus (F. magnétisme, 1724 in Hatz.-Darm.), f. magnēt-: see magnet and -ism.]
1. The characteristic properties of the magnet; magnetic phenomena and their laws. Also, the natural agency or principle concerned in the production of magnetic phenomena; formerly often supposed to be an ‘imponderable fluid’, but now regarded as a modification of energy.
terrestrial magnetism: the magnetic properties of the earth, considered as a whole.
1616W. Barlowe Magn. Aduert. Ep. Ded. A 2, What I had built vpon his foundation of the Magnetisme of the earth.1664Power Exp. Philos. iii. 160 You shall thereby give it a most powerful Magnetisme, so that it will then as actively move the Needle..as the Loadstone it-self.1775Harris Philos. Arrangem. Wks. (1841) 376 Are we to speak of those other motive powers, the powers of magnetism and electricity?1816J. Smith Panorama Sci. & Art II. 164 A peculiar species of attraction, exerted by bodies called magnets or loadstones, receives the appellation of magnetism.1837Whewell Hist. Induct. Sci. (1857) III. 38 The subject of terrestrial magnetism forms a very important addition to the general facts.1839Penny Cycl. XIV. 288/1 The mutual relations of the two magnetisms [Austral and Boreal], and those of positive and negative electricity.c1865J. Wylde in Circ. Sci. I. 249/2 The magnetic effect remains for some time; and this is called residuary magnetism.1871Tyndall Fragm. Sci. (1879) II. xvi. 423 A blue flame, which being usually bent by the earth's magnetism, received the name of the Voltaic Arc.
b. In the 17th c. often confused with various phenomena of attraction not now recognized as immediately related to it. Obs.
1646Sir T. Browne Pseud. Ep. ii. iii. (1658) 85 Many other Magnetisms may be pretended, and the like attractions through all the creatures of Nature.1671Grew Anat. Plants i. ii. §25 The two Contrary Tendencies of the Lignous and Cortical Bodies..(being most probably external, and a kind of Magnetisme).
c. fig. Attractive power or influence, esp. personal charm or ascendancy. Sometimes with allusion to sense 3.
1655H. Vaughan Silex Scint. ii. Cock-crowing i, Their magnetisme works all night And dreams of Paradise and light.1662Glanvill Lux Orient. xiv. 13 The bodies they have contracted..may by a kind of fatal magnetisme be chained down to their proper element.1671Marvell Corr. Wks. 1872–5 II. 393 The magnetism of two souls, rightly touched, works beyond all natural limits.1691Norris Pract. Disc. 172 Nothing is more common than to see Men of singular Strictness..who yet..stoop and yield to the Magnetism of this dirty Planet.a1711Ken Preparatives Poet. Wks. 1721 IV. 64 The Magnetism of Heav'nly Love, Draws some to God above.1753Richardson Grandison (1781) III. ix. 67 There is a kind of magnetism in goodness.1859Kingsley Misc. I. 28 He could draw round him..by the spiritual magnetism of his genius, many a noble soul.1888Bryce Amer. Commw. II. iii. lxxiv. 612 Now, magnetism is among the highest qualities which an American popular leader can possess.
2. The science which is concerned with magnetic phenomena.
1828–32in Webster.1885S. P. Thompson (title) Lessons in Electricity and Magnetism.
3. Short for animal magnetism (see animal C. 1) = mesmerism.
[1784, etc.; see animal C. 1.]1785Mesmer's Aphorisms 13 It cannot be determined how long a tree may preserve the magnetism.1797Encycl. Brit. (ed. 3) X. 450/1 The principal application of magnetism..was by pressure of the hands..on the hypochondria.1855Smedley Occult Sci. 224 Magnetism by the eye is indeed often more powerful than by the hands.

