
单词 marihuana
释义 marijuana, marihuana|mærɪˈhwɑːnə|
Also mara-, maria-; mariguan(a.
[Amer. Sp.]
1. a. A preparation of the hemp plant, Cannabis sativa (see cannabis), for use as an intoxicating and hallucinogenic drug; usu. applied to a crude preparation of the dried leaves, flowering tops, and stem of the plant that is generally smoked.
1894Scribner's Mag. May 596/2 [The] ‘toloachi’, [and] the ‘mariguan’,..are used by discarded women for the purpose of wreaking a terrible revenge upon recreant lovers.1918Jrnl. Amer. Med. Assoc. 21 Dec. 2094/1 The symptoms mentioned..as being produced by smoking Mara Huiwane or marajuana are similar to those produced by the mescal plant.1923W. Smith Little Tigress 102 The cockroach is unable to stagger around any more because he has no more marijuana to smoke. Marijuana is a form of drug that brings false heart to the user.1927Amer. Speech III. 37 The tobacco of the Turkish coffee-houses has been replaced in Mexico by marihuana, the native variety of hashish.1928Daily Express 11 Oct. 3 What is Marijuana? A deadly Mexican drug, more familiarly known as ‘Mary Jane’, which produces wild hilarity when either smoked or eaten.1935J. Steinbeck Tortilla Flat xiv. 246 His eyes were as wide and pained as the eyes of one who smokes marihuana.1939[see dagga1].1944R. A. Moore Textbk. Path. lix. 657 After long-continued use of marihuana there is mental deterioration.1952M. McCarthy Groves of Academe (1953) ii. 19 On one occasion, even, marijuana had been smoked on the steps of the gymnasium.1960N. Polunin Introd. Plant Geogr. ix. 267 Cannabis consumption as hashish, marijuana, etc., causes states of ecstasy and stupefaction.1968P. Oliver Screening Blues ii. 83 The song Weed Smoker's Dream referred to the hallucinations induced by marijuana.1968Times 19 Dec. 4/6 Basic findings are that..subjects who have not smoked marihuana before do not have strong subjective experiences, even after strong doses.
b. fig.
1948Sat. Rev. (U.S.) 19 June 24/3 One of the most cogent reasons for the success of the comics, is namely, that they are the marijuana of parents as well as of their offspring.1965New Statesman 10 Dec. 916/2 The politician who gave the Beatles the MBE..knows that if he suddenly cut off about 20 million young addicts from their supply of aural marijuana the withdrawal effects could produce unpleasant political side-effects.
2. The hemp plant; = cannabis 1.
1907A. B. Lyons Plant Names (ed. 2) 511 (Cannabis) a. Add Syn[onym] Marihuana (Mex.).1934R. E. Carradini Narcotics & Youth Today 1 In this classification [of narcotic drugs] should be included..Cannabis Indica, popularly known as Indian hemp or hashish, and the native plant, mariahuana.1934Jrnl. Amer. Med. Assoc. 21 July 212 On appeal to the Supreme Court of Utah, Navaro contended that the term ‘mariguana’, as used in the statute, signified a plant, not a drug.1959Encounter Oct. 56/2 The land where the marihuana grows.1973Daily Tel. 4 July 4 Nepal is to ban the growing of marijuana and poppies and the production of cannabis and opium.
3. attrib. and Comb., as marijuana addict, marijuana cigarette, marijuana habit, marijuana-smoker, marijuana-smoking vbl. n. and ppl. adj., marijuana weed.
1936Amer. Speech XI. 12 Argot of narcotic addicts... Twister,..one who rolls his own twists, or marajuana cigarettes or, by extension, a marajuana addict.1938Manch. Guardian Weekly 2 Sept. 188/3 Some [swing players] are ‘mugglers’ (Marijuana addicts).
1933Jrnl. Amer. Med. Assoc. 28 Oct. 1398/1 The first person to be convicted in Hillsborough County [in Florida] of selling marajuana cigarets..was sentenced..to a year in the county jail.1966T. Pynchon Crying of Lot 49 iii. 64 Leonard the drummer..produced a fistful of marijuana cigarettes.
1953W. Burroughs Junkie (1972) x. 107, I told them you were sick and that you needed a shot of morphine, and they said, ‘Oh, we thought it was just a question of a marijuana habit.’
1951E. Paul Springtime in Paris xi. 202 Narcotics addicts and marihuana smokers are infiltrating the cafés.
1935Amer. Mercury Aug. 426/1 Such practices as adultery, marihuana smoking, gambling,..and rowdyism seldom worry the investigator.1957P. Frank Seven Days to Never iii. 102 She married..a marijuana-smoking drugstore cowboy.1958Times 3 Dec. 6/6 Unauthorised clubs..were a great moral danger to young people. The marihuana weed was smoked.

