
单词 narcosis
释义 narcosis Path.|nɑːˈkəʊsɪs|
[a. Gr. νάρκωσις, f. ναρκοῦν to benumb.]
The production of a narcotic state ( or the quality of producing this); the operation or effects of narcotics upon the system; a state of insensibility. Also a psychologically therapeutic sleep artificially prolonged by the use of drugs. So narcosis therapy.
1693tr. Blancard's Phys. Dict. (ed. 2), Narcosis, a privation of Sense as in a Palsie, or in taking of Opium, &c.1697Phil. Trans. XIX. 383 The Narcosis of Opium, for Example, is gone or separated, because the dryed juice..smells not so strong.1753Chambers Cycl. Supp., Narcosis, a stupefaction or insensible state, whether brought on by medicines, or happening from natural causes.1863Macm. Mag. Oct. 461 By Narcosis I..mean exclusively the action of large doses of the substances called Narcotics upon the organism.1872Hamilton Nervous Dis. 72 This follows profound narcosis by alcohol or opium.1936[see narco-analysis s.v. narco-].1943Curran & Guttmann Psychological Med. viii. 97 Probably the most humane method is to give continuous narcosis for the first few days after the drug [sc. morphine] has been withdrawn; but relapse is very frequent.1945Grinker & Spiegel Men under Stress iv. xvii. 394 At the present time, aside from the method of narcosis therapy (continuous sleep), the use of intravenous barbiturates is dignified by three different terms.

