
单词 reconciliation
释义 reconciliation|ˌrɛkənsɪlɪˈeɪʃən|
[a. F. reconciliation (14th c. in Littré), or ad. L. reconciliātiōn-em, n. of action f. reconciliāre to reconcile.]
1. a. The action of reconciling persons, or the result of this; the fact of being reconciled.
c1386Chaucer Melib. ⁋724 If I hadde seyd that ye sholde han purchaced the pees and the reconsiliacion I ne hadde nat muchel mystaken me.1473Rolls of Parlt. VI. 66/1 By the reconsiliation of the merchauntes of the said Hanze.1494Fabyan Chron. i. xvii. 16 And after certayne message sent to hym of reconcilyacion.1569Reg. Privy Council Scot. Ser. i. II. 10 [They] sall entir in reconsiliatioun freindschip and amytie ilkane with utheris.1603Holland Plutarch's Mor. 38 Nestor, contrariwise, intending to make a motion as touching the reconciliation and pacifying of Achilles.1693Congreve Old Bach. iii. ii, I..have fram'd a Letter, that makes her sue for Reconciliation first.1741Richardson Pamela (1824) I. 67 Well, come, I will forgive you for this time; and so kissed me as a mark of reconciliation.1841Elphinstone Hist. Ind. II. x. i. 371 Messages passed between Sháh Jehán and the emperor, but with..little effect in producing a reconciliation.1874Mahaffy Soc. Life Greece viii. 254 To live in reconciliation with political foes.
b. spec. in religious use, of God and man.
13..Propr. Sanct. (Vernon MS.) in Archiv neu. Spr. LXXXI. 315/148 Þe goode world..Þat holi chirche we calle moun, Is falle to Reconsiliacioun.c1420Lydg. Assembly of Gods 1753 For then came the Tyme of Reconsylyacion of man to God.1526Pilgr. Perf. (W. de W. 1531) 244 b, One act of adoracyon of hym had ben sufficyent for our reconsiliacyon to his eternall father.1582N. T. (Rhem.) 2 Cor. v. 18 1641 Hinde J. Bruen xxvii. 83 Ambassadors of peace, preaching unto the the glad tydings of the Gospell, by the word of reconciliation.1884J. Tait Mind in Matter (1892) 330 He presents Himself as at once the Reconciliation and the Reconciler.
c. Restoration to favour. Obs. rare—1.
1536Cromwell in Merriman Life & Lett. (1902) II. 41 Two letteres writen..for their restitucion and reconsiliacion to the king of Scottes fauour.
2. Reunion of a person to a church.
1625tr. Gonsalvio's Sp. Inquis. 110 Another sort of sentences there are that haue a shew of more mercie, which they call reconciliations.1639Drummond of Hawthornden Conv. w. B. Jonson Wks. (1711) 224 At his first communion, in token of his true reconciliation, he drunk out the full cup of wine.1753Chambers Cycl. Supp., Reconciliation of penitents, in church history.1884in Catholic Dict.
3. The purification, or restoration to sacred uses, of a church, etc., after desecration or pollution.
1533Bellenden Livy v. (1822) 476 Eftir the reconsiliacioun of the templis, confederacioun and alliance of amite wes made betwix the Romanis and pepil, namit Ceretes.1554Churchw. Acc. St. Margaret's, Westminster (Nichols 1797) 14 Paid for iii Capons for the Bishop's dinner at the reconciliacion of the Church.1846W. Maskell Mon. Rit. I. p. cclvi, At the laying of the first stone of a church: at its consecration and reconciliation.1889Ch. Times 23 Aug. 759 Reconciliation of a Font.
4. a. The action of bringing to agreement, concord, or harmony.
1560J. Daus tr. Sleidane's Comm. 89 b, If they went about the reconsiliation of Religion.a1729J. Rogers 19 Serm. (1735) i. 8 These Distinctions..give us a clear and easy Reconciliation of those seeming Inconsistencies of Scripture, with Respect to this Affection.1758Johnson Idler No. 4 ⁋13 The spirit of charity can only be continued by a reconciliation of these ridiculous feuds.1847Emerson Repr. Men, Montaigne Wks. (Bohn) I. 348 The absence of any appearance of reconciliation between the theory and practice of life.1875Jowett Plato (ed. 2) IV. 11 Without any reconciliation..he speaks at one time of God or Gods, and at another time of the good.
b. Accountancy. The action or practice of rendering one account consistent with another by balancing apparent discrepancies; reconciliation statement, a statement of account whereby such discrepancies are adjusted.
1895J. Thornton Man. Bookkeeping xi. 187 See that all Banker's charges..are duly entered in your own books, or you will have difficulty with your Reconciliation.1929L. C. Cropper Book-Keeping & Accounts iv. 46 In order to explain this divergence it is necessary to construct a statement, known as a ‘Reconciliation Statement’... A specimen example is appended showing how this ‘reconciliation’ is arrived at.1947F. H. Jones Jordan's Mod. Book-Keeping i. iii. 33 In order to reconcile the Cash Book balance with the statement of Account balance a Bank Reconciliation Statement is compiled.1957W. W. Bigg Cost Accounts xiii. 231 Assuming that it is desired to keep the Cost and Financial Accounts entirely distinct it is still imperative that they be rendered capable of reconciliation one with the other.1973A. & E. E. Fieldhouse Elem. Book-Keeping 80 If the balances of the two books should disagree a Reconciliation Statement should be made out.

reconciliation commission n. an official body charged with the reconciliation of feuding parties, esp. one that investigates allegations of political misconduct.
1964Times 28 Nov. 7/3 The Organization for African Unity's Congo *reconciliation commission appeared to be out for vengeance when it assembled here today.2002N.Y. Times (Nexis) 31 Dec. a8/4 Still to be worked out is how aggressively to go after past economic crimes. Mr. Kibaki has talked of a reconciliation commission to allow former officials to confess their misdeeds.

